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UK money
UK/ vs/ U.S/ vs/ Europe /vs
• Everywhere you go there`s a thing called money made-up from
notes and coins like this you see. They have got a number value and
we use it to buy things for you and me.

In UK we use : -,,penny” as coin

-,,pound” as banknote

- The symbol for pound is:

 In U.S we use :-,,cent” as coin

-,,dollar” as banknote

- The symbol for dollar is:

UK/ vs/ U.S/ vs/ Europe /vs
•  In Europe we use:-,,euro cent” as coin
-,,euro” as banknote

- The symbol for euro is:

 In Romania we use:- ,,ban” as coin

-,,Leu” as banknote
The difference between ,,penny/pence”
and ,,pound/pounds”
• In UK we use : -,,penny” as coin and ,,pound” as banknote.

• In the singular form we use ,,penny” ,but at the plural we use

,,pence” ( For example: 1p=one penny /2p=two pence)

• !!!!Notice we pronounce one[p] and two[p]

• In the singular form we use,,pound” ,but for the plural we

use,,pounds” (For example: £1=one pound/£2=two pounds)

• !!!! Notice when we write we put the pound symbol first £ and
then the number . But in speaking we say the number first and
after that we use pound.

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