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Sujeto +Verbo to be + the + adjetivo superlativo +

nombre + in the World / in my class/ my country..

The Teide is the high + est mountain

in my country.

El Teide es la montaña más alta de

mi país.

- Adjetivo monosílabo: short..........the shortest

- Adjetivo monosílabo formado por vocal +consonante+ vocal :

big.............the biggest.

- Adjetivo bisílabo terminado en y ....happy...the happiest.

- Adjetivos largos: beautiful.....the most beautiful.

2- Make sentences like this:
Which is the highest mountain in the World?
Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the

1- The Nile / the longest river

2- The Sahara/the hottest desert
3- The Amazon/the widest river
4- The Pacific / the deepest ocean
5- The White shark/ the most dangerous shark

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