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Words that we put at the beginning

(prefix) or at the end (suffix) of
another word to change its meaning
or function.
• quick (adjective)
• Quickly (adverb)
• Admire (verb)
• Admirable (adjective)
• National (adjective)
• International (adjective)
• Transnational (adjective)
Re + verb
Re = again or back

Rebuild = build again

After the earthquake in Esmeraldas, many houses were rebuilt.

Recall = remember
Sarah recalled how she felt on her wedding day.
She recalls going to the beach as a child.
Reconnect = connect again (medical, emotional, communication)
The doctor reconnected the nerves during the surgery.
I reconnected with my dad after many years.
The laptop reconnected to the internet.

Redefine = give a new meaning to a word, or change one’s character /

After a bad breakup, I decided to redefine myself.
The word “net” was redefined after the invention of the internet.
Rehash = use old material or old ideas with no improvement.
Lucio Gutierrez rehashes speeches from his last campaign.
Actors rehash past memories in order activate feelings.

Hash = a dish made of grated potatoes (hash brown)
Hash = informal short for hashish (cannabis)
Hash = # = hash + tag = hashtag
Rekindle = start again
I tried to rekindle my friendship with my high school friends.
He rekindled the fire for the BBQ.
They need to rekindle the flame of their love.

Kindle = start
He kindled the fire for the BBQ.
Replace = change something for another thing
I replaced my Samsung for an Iphone.
I was replaced for a native-speaker teacher.

Resurface =to come back from under the water, to appear again after a
long time, to cover with a material.
The Titanic resurfaced after 100 years.
Robert Downey Jr. resurfaced and became Ironman.
I helped my mum resurface the bathroom floor.
Revive = to gain consciousness (people or things)
After the accident, my heart stopped for a moment, so the doctor
defibrillated my heart and I revived / resuscitated .
Resuscitate = revive = to gain consciousness
Resurrect = raise from the dead
Jesus was buried and had a funeral, and 3 days he resurrected.

• Restructure
• Revisit
• Reappear
• repeat
• Refinance
• Reply
• Replay
• Revise
• Revenge
• Review
• Retreat
• recycle
Add another person to the sentence (Alex = him or his)

I asked + infinitive
I asked him to go home

Add another person to the sentence (Alex = him or his)

I enjoy + gerund
I enjoy his driving
Oral exam
• Via text:
Marco 6:00
Alex 6:05
• Interview
• Tuesday

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