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Tell Me About Yourself!

971001017 中文四 Cheryl 鄭雅双

• The most frequently asked question

Your response will set the tone for

the rest of the interview!

• ① What do interviewers want to know?

② What information should be included?

• The secret to answer:

⑴focus ⑵script ⑶practice
① she did it once and can do it again.
“ I'm happily married and originally from
Denver," she began. "My husband was
transferred here three months ago, and I've
been getting us settled in our new home. I'm
② she did now ready what
not emphasize to go
did. to work. I've worked in
a variety of jobs, usually customer service-
related. I'm looking for a company that offers
growth opportunities. ”
③Will she stay content for
• List five strengths
(experiences, traits, skills)

Eleanor is strong in communications and

ex. connecting with people. She has a strong
background and proven success with
customer relationships. Her real strength is
her follow-through. She prides herself on
her reputation for meeting deadlines.
• Begin by talking about
past experiences and proven success
"Ihave been in the customer service industry
for the past five years. My most recent
ex. experience has been handling incoming calls
in the high tech industry. One reason I
particularly enjoy this business, and the
challenges that go along with it, is the
opportunity to connect with people. In my
last job, I formed some significant customer
relationships resulting in a 30 percent
increase in sales in a matter of months."

• Next, mention your strengths and abilities

My real strength is my attention to detail.

ex. I pride myself on my reputation for
following through and meeting deadlines.
When I commit to doing something,
I make sure it gets done, and on time.

• Last, conclude with a statement about

your current situation

What I am looking for now is a company

ex. that values customer relations, where I can
join a strong team and have a positive
impact on customer retention and sales."

• Practice with the script

• You should NOT memorize it
→it will be stiff and rehearsed.

☻The more you can talk about your product

– (YOU!)– the better chance you will
What are your stre
Make your Case
• Concentrating on your five best strengths:
focus during the interview
(easier to remember you!)

★ Professional suggests:
• Tell what you are going to say early
and repeating your points

• Keep going back to the main point

EX2 interviewing a position that
requires organizational skills

• Question: “Tell me about yourself.”

• Begin:
(part of the answer should include your organizational skill)

“ One of my key strengths is being

organized. If you were to ask my
coworkers, they would tell you I am
the ultimate planner.”
EX2 interviewing a position that
requires organizational skills

• Question: “Tell me about yourself.”

• Later:
(repeat your strength in a story format)

One project I worked on was very complex

and detailed. It required a lot of
forethought and planning on my part. I
was able to do this using Microsoft Project
software for tracking and scheduling.”
EX2 interviewing a position that
requires organizational skills

• Question: “Why should we hire you?”

• Answer:
(you should repeat information about being organized.)

“From what I have heard throughout

the interview, it sounds like you're
looking for someone to come in and
bring order to projects here. Since I am
known for my organizational skills, I
know I would be a real asset.”
What are your weaknesses?
• The worst interview questions.

• Interviewers want to see job seekers

① in which area they need to improve
② what they are doing about it
③ make sure the weakness isn’t a skill the
company need
④ test how they handle themselves under
• Do NOT say you have “no weakness” or
“work too hard”
• Tell the interviewers:
“I am working on improving!”
Strength or weakness?
• Understand the job duties before the
interview starts
• What is your strength that someone may
consider as a weakness?

ex. “I really take a lot of time to listen to

a customer before I provide
recommendations. A lot of sales
people are quick to answer, but I
spend time making sure I understand
the customer's needs”
• Be honest

• A weakness on one hand

is a strength on the other!
Why should we hire
• Selling yourself in the interview

• Think yourself as a product

Wrong answers

① “Because I need a job.” x

"What can you do for us?"

②“I'm a hard worker and really want to

work for this company.” x
“why do you choose us?"
Good answers

• ① “Because I'm a good fit for the position.”

Be warmer! More O
• ②“I have what it takes to solve problems
and do the job.” O
A better answer so far.
★The bottom line:
“What can you do for this company?”

• Ready to summarize your

accomplishments and works.
Step 1
• Looking at job description

Step 2
• Do an inventory (2~3 key qualities)

Step 3
•Match what you have to offer and merge
2 of them into summary statement
What did you like least
about your last job?
• To test if you’re going to be satisfied
in this company

• Focus on tasks rather than company

politics or people
Wrong answers

① “I didn't have enough challenges! I thrive on ch

allenge! ” x
"Will we be able to keep him challenged?"

②“Lack of stability. What I am looking for is stabil

ity in a job and company.” x
“He may have some burnout and flexibility issues. ”

③ “My boss was overbearing and wouldn't let me

do my job.” x
“It sounds like he could be a problem to supervise.”
“I've been able to work with some really inter
esting people. I have to say that I did have a j
ob where there was an inordinate amount of
paperwork. Because working with people is m
y strength, the paperwork really bogged me
down at times.”

• inordinate
= unusually large amount
=kept you from doing what you do best
• Was the work or the office environment
causing the dissatisfaction?

• Create a list of your dissatisfactions

• Will they happen again in the new

working environment?

• Choose the work you like to do best

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