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Evidence :

Environmental issues
Aprendiz: Julian Santiago Martinez Osorio
Instructora: Paula Castaño
What do you thing
about the problem ?

I think this is a problema

that affects us all around
the world, if there are not
enough trees tehre is too
much CO2 in the
atmosphere, people will
get diseases, especially
respiratory diseases.
What would be
possible fot it ?
If the Wood is replaced
by another product tnhat
is friendly, it will do good
to the environment.
If les newspapers and
papers are used, there
will be more trees.
Currently here in Bogota, if a person climbs a tree,
Do you see that person will prevent them from cutting the tree.
This has happened a few times.
this problem
The government listens to you if many people
in your demonstrate and demand that trees not be cut down.
community ? If many people prefer to read the news digitally,
I do fewer trees are cut for the production of
what do
people do
about it ?
What will you do in the fucture to help solve
this problem ?
• There will be more trees if i buy organic products
• The environment is happy if i avoid consumming products that cause the
indiscriminate felling of trees, such as palm oil.
• If i reuse the sheets of paper and use recycled paper there will be fewer
trees cut down.

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