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Stress is...
 A dynamic condition in which an individual is
confronted with an opportunity, demand, or
resource related to what the individual desires and
for which the outcome is perceived to be both
uncertain and important.
 Challenge stressors & Hindrance stressors
 It is typically associated with demands(job
responsibilities, pressures, obligations,
uncertainties) & resources(things within an
individual’s control used to resolve the demands).
Signs/symptoms of stress

Panic attacks Smoking

Hyperventilation Tranquilizer addiction

Obsessive behavior Sleep problems

Fears & phobias Low self esteem

Depression Headaches & migraines

Eating disorders High blood pressure

Excessive drinking
Model of stress

 E

C Experienced
E stress
Stress management
 Assertiveness-skills of communicating clearly & about one’s
feelings, needs, wants and thoughts. Confidently
• Dealing with criticism
• Expressing your feelings
• Saying ‘No’
• Dealing with anger
 Managing your time-
o Goal planning
o Overcoming procrastination
o Controlling perfectionism
o Delegation
o Reducing hurry sickness

 Rational thinking-
• emotional sequencing,
• Think less rigidly
• Laddering your thoughts
• Positive self statements
 Improving relationships
• Communicating in relationships
• Misplaced jealousy
• sulking

 Self care
• Laughter
• Learning to relax
• Relaxed breathing
• Reducing environmental stress
• Physical exercise
• Healthy eating
• Developing hobbies & interests
• Expanding your circle of friends
Conflict is understood as disagreement or collision. The conflict
may be within an individual when there is incompatibility
between his or her own goals or events ; may be between 2
individuals; or between two groups in the organisation.
Levels of conflict
 Intra Individual

 Interpersonal

 Intergroup

 organisational
Intra Individual conflict
 Conflict within an individual. It arises from frustration,
numerous roles which demand equal attention.
 Conflict from frustration- it occurs when a motivated
drive is blocked before a person reaches a desired goal.
 Goal conflict- attainment of one goal excludes the
possibility of attaining another.
 Role conflict- when an individual has to play several
roles simultaneously but finding time & resources
inadequate to do so.
Interpersonal conflict
 It arises mainly because of differences in
perception, temperaments, value systems, socio-
cultural factors & role ambiguities.
 Phenomenon of Interpersonal conflict can be
explained though transactional analysis, Johari
window, stroking & Life positions.
Intragroup conflict
 Disputes among some or all of as group’s
members, which often affect the group’s
performance .
 Two main types of intragroup conflict: task conflict
and relationship conflict. Task conflict goes hand
in hand with intragroup conflict because task
conflict mostly occurs in workplace or group
 Family run businesses are more prone to these.
Intergroup/organisational conflict
 Conflicts between groups, departments, or sections
in an organisation.
 Conflict between groups is frequent & highly
 Reasons may be: task inter-dependence, task
ambiguity, goal incompatibility, competition for
limited resources, competitive reward systems, line
& staff and intra-personal or interpersonal conflict.
Process/stages of conflict
Stages of conflict
 Latent conflict- it arises when a change occurs.
 Perceived conflict- stage at which members become aware of a
problem. Incompatibility of needs is perceived & tension begins as
the parties begin to worry about what will happen.
 Felt conflict -parties become emotionally involved & begin to
focus on differences of opinion & opposing interests. Internal
tensions & frustrations begin to crystallise around specific, defined
issues, and people begin to build an emotional commitment.
 Manifest conflict-parties engage in activities that help achieve own
objectives & thwart those of others(Aggression, violent &
uncontrolled struggle).
 Conflict outcome- outcome may be functional or dysfunctional.
The effects of stress & intraindividual conflict

 Stress & conflict are not automatically bad for individuals or

to their organisational performance; rather low levels of stress
& conflict can enhance job performance.
 Physical problems due to stress & conflict: immune system
problems, cardiovascular system problems, musculoskeletal
system problems, gastrointestinal system problems
 Psychological problems due to stress & conflict: Anger,
anxiety, depression, nervousness, irritability, tension&
boredom. A study found that stress had the strongest impact
on aggressive actions, such as sabotage, interpersonal
aggression, hostility and complaints.
 Behavioural problems due to stress & conflict: direct
behaviors that may accompany high levels of stress
include undereating or overeating, sleeplessness,
increase smoking and drinking, & drug abuse.
Coping strategies for stress & conflict
 Individual coping strategies: Exercise, relaxation,
behavioral self control, cognitive therapy,
 Organisational coping strategies:
 Policy-making performance reviews & pay plans as
equitable & as fair as possible.
 Structural area-reducing degrees of formalisation &
 Safety precautions, proper maintenance lighting, noise &
 Improvement in information & communication sharing.
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