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Why Are Business So Important to a Country's Economy

Business make up significant portion of country's
economy. They help people live the lives they want to l
ive and encourage productivity that leads to huge profi
ts and growing revenues. The economy of a country is li
terary a backbone to its existence. The economy of a co
untry helps determine overall health and growth of a na
tion. It shows how well people can spend, save and grow
their resources overtime. It also shows effects of supp
ly and demand; what products and services are in demand
contributing to growth and stability of the country in
Economic growth in modern times is crucial
element part of global development. Even smal b
usiness can impact how people abroad spend thei
r hard-earned money. Businesses thrive when the
y are able to provide a product people want. Pe
ople create their living situations based on re
sources available amd what they can afford. Bus
inesses offer a number of elements highly impor
tant to a country's economy such as employment,
productivity and a form of financial security.
Thimk of this way; when a business is doing wel
l they are likely contributing to a country's e
conomy that makes it beneficial for everyone in
So what happens when a business underperform
or does not meet expectations in the markets? This
is when the ecomnomy can be affected. When people
lose their jobs, they may not be able to buy what
they want. The economy would not see the same acti
vity as it did when it was stronger. People may no
t decide to make bigger purchases like a house or
vehicle. They may not want to travel or take vacat
ions. So, an underperforming business may not hire
more people, give raiaes to their employees, or of
er better benefits to their maketplace.
When multiple business take a hit it's l
ike spending a ripple affect across the count
ry. When jobs are lost or when stocks tumble,
it may be a sign that things are changing. Mo
st countries depend on productivity from diff
erent businesses across various sectors and i
ndustries. Some provide higher profits that m
ake a country known for that specific product
. Economies are built on strong businesses wi
th profitable ideas, products and services. B
usinesses make it possible to encourage peopl
e of a country to do better for themselves. T
hey make significant contributions that help
economies grow for generations to come.

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