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Technical Writing

Lecture 3
Date: 28-9-20
Technical Writing Style
To possess a sense of effective ways to present
sentences, paragraphs and tone helps writers to
produce documents that readers find clear and easy to

The basic concept is to arrange material “top-down.”

o Put the main idea at the beginning (the top)
o Followed by explanatory details (the down)
While writing, the writer should pay special attention
to language as it can cause confusion and hence
making it difficult for the reader to understand.

The writer must learn to recognize such kind of

contractions as indicators that the language needs to be
o Ex. Reconsider the sentence if there is repetition of words or
excessive use of “there are.”
Write Clear Sentences for Reader
While composing sentences the writer should consider
following guidelines:
Place the
Main Idea
Use “There
Use Normal
Word Order

Use Active
Path” System

Sentences of
12-25 Words
Avoid Strings
Avoid Avoid
of Choppy
Nominalization Wordiness

Avoid Noun Use ‘you’
Clusters Correctly

Avoid Sexist
Place the Main Idea First
To put the main idea first (at the top) is a key principle
for writing sentences.

The subject of the sentence should come first as it makes

the rest of the sentence accessible.

Readers relate subjects to their own ideas (their schema).

After readers know the topic, they are able to interact

with the complexities writers develop.
Ex. “The writing of manufacturing processes, which
explain the sequence of a part’s production, and design
specifications, which detail the materials needed to
produce an object, are two types of professional
writing I will do.”
“Two types of professional writing that I will do are
writing manufacturing processes, which explain the
sequence of a part’s production and design
specifications, which detail the material needed to
produce an object.”
In the first example the main idea, “two types of
professional writing” comes near the end.

The sentence is difficult to understand.

In the second example, the main idea is stated first.

Thus making the rest of the sentence easier to
Use Normal Word Order
The normal word order in English is subject-verb-

The reading becomes easier as it reveals the topic first

and then develops the idea. It also produces the clear
and concise sentences.
Ex. “The ASTM definition describes the process by
which polymers break down.”
“Polymers break down in a process described by the
ASTM definition.”
Use Active Voice
The active voice emphasizes the performer of the action
instead of receiver.

It helps readers grasp ideas easily because it adheres to

the SVO pattern.

When subject acts the verb is in an active voice

o Ex. “I wrote the memo.”
When the subject is acted upon, the verb is in passive
o Ex. “The memo was written by me.”
To change the passive voice to active, the writer
should follow the following guidelines:

Move the person acting out of prepositional phrase.

o The test was conducted by the intern. (passive)
o The intern conducted the test. (active)

Supply a subject (a person or an agent).

o This method was ruled out. (passive)
o The staff ruled out this method. (active)
o I ruled out this method. (active)
Substitute an active verb for a passive one.
o The heated water is sent into the chamber. (passive)
o The heated water flows into the chamber. (active)
Activity 1
Change the following sentences in active voice

The jar is filled with sand.

Reading is enjoyed by Mary.

The town was destroyed by fire.

The room will be cleaned by John every Saturday.

Cheese was eaten by Sara.

The food is not cooked by her.

I was given flowers by Peter on my birthday.

Your friend is being waited for by you.

The window pane has been broken by the children.

My car will have been sold by me

The passive voice is sometimes more accurate.

It is used to shows that a situation is typical or usual

or to avoid an accusation.

o Robots are used in repetitive activities.

o Companies use robots in repetitive activities.
o You violated the ethics code by doing that.
o The ethics code was violated by that act.

The passive voice can also be used to emphasize a

certain word.
o Milk samples are preserved by the addictive.
o The addictive preserves the milk samples.
Employ Parallelism
Parallelism is the matching of the forms of words, phrases,
or clauses within a sentence. Editing work for parallel
construction improves clarity and emphasizes points.

Parallelism, also known as parallel structure, is when

phrases in a sentence have similar or the same
grammatical structure.

In its most basic usage, parallelism provides a phrase with

balance and clarity. Parallelism also serves to give phrases
a pattern and rhythm.
In other words, it means using similar structure for similar elements.

Writers use parallel structures for elements with equal value in a

sentence (coordinate elements).

o Ex. One step (action) for (preposition) man (noun)…

one leap (action) for (preposition) mankind (noun).

o She likes cooking, jogging, and reading.

o She likes to cook, jog, and read.

o Technical writers create memos, proposals and manuals.

Coordinate elements are connected by coordinating
conjunctions (fanboys), words, phrases, clauses.

Words, phrases, and clauses joined by a coordinating

conjunction (and, but, or, nor, for, so, yet) need to have
parallel grammatical construction.

o Ex. I like jogging and walking.

o We all need good nutrition and regular exercise.
Words, phrases, and clauses joined by a correlative
conjunction (not only... but also, both... and, either... or,
neither... nor) need to have parallel grammatical construction.

o Ex. I like both to read books and to watch movies.

Words, phrases, and clauses joined by a comparative

expression (as much as, more than, less than) need to have
parallel grammatical construction.

o Ex. I enjoy going out to a movie as much as I enjoy renting a movie

and staying home to watch it.
Words, phrases, and clauses in a series should be parallel in
grammatical construction.

o Ex. He is smart, honest, and very responsible.

Items in a bulleted list should also be parallel in their

grammatical form.

o Explore sample wiki sites

o Create an account on free hosting services
o Select a wiki name
o Choose privacy options
o Create and customize your wiki site
Activity 2
Typical writing situations include proposals, the
sending of e-mails and how to update a system.

Yara loves running, to swim, and biking.

For dinner we like lamb chops and to fry Brussels


The theater also acts as a comedy club, jazz club,

casino, aqua theater, and karaoke bar.
In this paper, we will reference the works of Churchill and
Sir Francis Bacon.

Olympic athletes usually like practicing, competing, and to

eat ice cream sandwiches.

Public transit such as buses or a train can help reduce air


Driving a car requires coordination, patience, and good

Write Sentences 12-25 Words
An easy to read sentence is 12-25 words long.

Shorter and longer sentences are weak.

They are either too simple or too complicated.

However, longer sentences, especially those,

exhibiting parallel construction can be easy to grasp.
Ex. “The problem is the efficiency policy, which has
measures that emphasize producing as many parts as
possible, for instance, 450 per hour, compared to a
predetermined standard, usually measured by the
machine’s capacity, say 500, for a rating of 90%.”
 “The problem is the efficiency policy, which calls for
as many parts as possible compared to a
predetermined standard. If a machine produces 450
per hour and if its capacity 500 per hour, it has a
rating of 90%.”
First Sentence
2 sentences, 19 and 21
40 words long
words long
Main idea is
Ignores the dictum of
putting main idea first
Easier to read and
It harder to understand
Avoid “Garden Path” Sentences
“Garden path” sentence is a sentence that is
grammatically correct, but due to the way it’s divided
and structured, can seem ungrammatical or nonsensical.

People read by making guesses about what will come

next in a sentence.

They do not wait to understand a sentence until it is

done, so brain is predicting what comes next and
building structure as we hear or read it.
Readers are actively interpreting the sentence word-
by-word, and building an interpretation by considering
each word as it arrives.

They look for cues that allow them to analyze sentence

structure or identify parts of speech.
Examples of “Garden Path” Sentences
The old man the boat.
The horse raced past the barn fell.
Until the police arrest the drug dealers control the
The complex houses married and single soldiers and
their families.
The man who hunts ducks out on weekends.
Fat people eat accumulates.
In the first sentence, brain sees the first three words
and assumes the subject of the sentence is an old man.

 Instead, the sentence is about a group of people, “the

old,” and their control of the boat, demonstrated with
the verb “to man.”

“Old,” in this case being used as a noun meaning “old

people” and not as an adjective modifying “man.”
In the second sentence, at first glance, it appears that
“raced” is the main verb of this sentence. But it’s not.

“Raced past the barn” is being used as a sort of

adjective phrase to tell reader which horse is being
talked about— was it the horse tethered behind the
barn who fell, or the horse raced past the barn?
In the third sentence, first inclination is probably to
take “until the police arrest the drug dealers” as a
single clause, but that leaves no subject in the
remaining “control the street.”

The correct answer: “Until the police (make the) arrest,

drug dealers control the street.”
Fixing A Garden Path Sentence
Since there are different types of garden path
sentences, there are also different ways to fix them.

Nevertheless, all approaches to fixing garden path

sentences revolve around the same key concept: one
need to remove the phrasing which leads to the
garden-path ambiguity in the first place.
Add a comma in an appropriate location.

o The man who hunts ducks out on weekends

o The man who hunts, ducks out on weekends.

 Add words like that, who, which in an appropriate location.

o Fat people eat accumulates.
o The fat that people eat accumulates (e.g. in their bodies).

Sometimes writer need to include further minor modifications such

as adding an auxiliary verb (e.g. was).

o The horse raced past the barn fell.

o The horse which was raced past the barn fell.
Use ‘There Are’ Sparingly
Over use of indefinite phrase “there are” and its many
related forms (there is, there will be) weakens the
meaning by burying the subject in the middle of

Sentences are more effective if the subject is placed

Ex. There is a change in efficiency policy that could
increase our profits. (ineffective)


 Our profits will increase if we change our efficiency

policy. (effective)
Use “there are” for emphasis or to avoid the verb exist.

• Ex. Three standard methods exist. (weak)

There are three standard methods. (stronger)
Avoid Nominalizations
Nominalization is a type of word formation in which a
verb or an adjective is used as a noun.

Verbs are turned into nouns by adding suffix, such as, ‘-

ion,’ ‘-ity,’ ‘-ment,’ ‘-ness’ etc.

It weakens sentences by presenting the action as static

noun rather than as an active verb.

These sentences often eliminate a sense of agent thus

making the ides harder for reader to grasp
True action should be expressed with strong verbs in a sentence

• Ex. The training policy for most personnel will have the requirement of the
completion of an initial one-week seminar. (static)

• The training policy will require most personnel to complete a one-week

seminar. (active)

• There will be costs for the installation of this machine in the vicinity of $
10,000. (static)

• We can install this machine for about $ 10,000. (active)

• The machine will cost $ 10,000 to install. (active)

Activity 3
Correct the nominalization in the following sentences:

 Heating water to the boiling point causes evaporation.

 Optimization of our work force is a key goal of our company.

 We should take into consideration several factors.

 He must make a decision about what to do.

 They gave us information about the new research program.

Choppy Sentences
Choppy sentences are sentences that are too short and often repeat the
same words.

Too many short simple sentences can make writing appear

unsophisticated and ideas seem disconnected.

Due to choppy sentences, each idea appears as an independent


The effect of such a string is to deemphasize the more important ideas

because they all are treated equally.

They should be combined to make longer sentences

The writer should combine and subordinate ideas so
that only the important ones are expressed as main
o Ex. Both models offer safety belts. Both models have
counterbalancing. Each one has a horn. Each one has lights.
One offers wing-sided seats. These seats enhance safety.

o Both models offer safety belts, counterbalancing, a horn,

and lights. Only one offers wing-sided seats, which enhance
safety. (clear)
Fixing Choppy Sentences
Combine Sentences With Conjunctions

o Ex. Doonesbury cartoons satirize contemporary politics.

Readers do not always find this funny. They demand that
newspapers not carry the strip.

o Doonesbury cartoons laugh at contemporary politicians, but

readers do not always find this funny and demand that
newspapers not carry the strip.
Link Sentences Through Subordination.

Link two related sentences to each other so that

one carries the main idea and the other is no longer
a complete sentence (subordination).
Use the following connectors to show the relationship.

after, although, as, as if, because, before, even if, even though, if, if only, rather
than, since, that, though, unless, until, when, where, whereas, wherever, whether,
which, while

o Ex. The campus parking problem is getting worse. The university is not building any new

o The campus parking problem is getting worse because the university is not building any new

o The US has been highly dependent on foreign oil for many years. Alternate sources of energy
are only now being sought.

o Although the US has been highly dependent on foreign oil for many years, alternate sources are
only now being sought.
Activity 4
Eliminate the choppiness in the following sentences.

She took dance classes. She had no natural grace or sense

of rhythm. She eventually gave up the idea of becoming a

Bears emerge from hibernation in the spring. They wander

through wetlands. They feed mainly on grasses.

I like dogs. Dogs make good pets. Dogs are friendly and
Avoid Wordiness
Ideas are most effective when they are expressed

Eliminate redundancy and all unnecessary intensifiers

(such as very), repetition, subordinate clauses and
prepositional phrases.
o Ex. I found the site by use of keywords that are
nanotechnology and innovation. (unnecessary subordinate
o I found the site using the keywords “nanotechnology” and
Ex. It is made of very thin glass that is milky white in color.
(redundant intensifiers plus unnecessary subordinate

It is made of thin white glass.

Ex. The turning handle is a metal protrusion that can be easily

grasped hold of by the hand to turn the gears. (redundant)

The turning handle is a metal protrusion that can be easily

grasped to turn the gears.
Ex. This search was done by a keyword search of the
same words using the search function of different
search engines. (unnecessary repetition plus overuse
of prepositions)

This investigation used the same keywords in different

search engines.
Avoid Redundant Phrases
Redundant Concise
Phrase Word/Phras
Due to the

the use of

y eliminate

Alternative Alternative
choices s




In as few
words as Concisely
Avoid Noun Clusters
Noun clusters are three or more nouns joined in a phrase.

They crop up everywhere in technical writing and usually

make reading difficult.

Try to break them up

o Ex. Allowing individual input variance of data process entry
will result in higher morale in the keyboarders. (noun cluster)

o We will have higher morale if we allow the keyboarders to enter

data at their own rate.
Use You Correctly
Do not use ‘you’ in formal reports.

Although it is used in informal reports

‘You’ should mean reader not ‘I.’

It should not be used as a very informal substitute for

‘the,’ or ‘a.’
For example
o This is your basic hammer (used as substitute for ‘the’)

o I knew when I took the training course that you must

experience the problems firsthand. (incorrect as ‘I’)

o I knew when I took the training course that I needed to

experience the problems first hand.
Avoid Sexist Language
Language is considered sexist when the word choice
suggests only one gender even though both are

Careful writers rewrite sentences to avoid usages that

are sensitive and in most cases inaccurate.

Avoid clumsy phrases like ‘he/she,’ and ‘s/he.

Although an occasional ‘he or she’ is acceptable.
The clerk must make sure that he punches in. (sexist)

The clerk must make sure to punch in. (use an infinite)

The clerks must make sure that they punch in. (use the plural).

Everyone will bring their special dish to the company potluck.

(use the plural to refer to plural sense singulars)

Their refers to everyone which is singular but has a plural sense.

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