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Brain disease treatment

• Parkinson’s Disease:
Decreased dopamine level causes damage to the
brain cells that leads to uncontrolled muscle
Scientists could use stem cells to replenish the
damaged brain tissue that could bring back the
specialized brain cells and stop the uncontrolled
muscle movements.
Stem cells will now fight Parkinson’s disease
Brain disease treatment
• Doctors firstly isolated adult stem cells from the patient’s
• They were then cultured in vitro and encouraged to turn
into dopamine-producing neurons.
• As soon as tests showed that the cells were producing
dopamine they were then re-injected into the man’s brain.
• After the transplant, the man’s condition was seen to
improve and experienced a reduction in the trembling and
muscle rigidity associated with the disease.
• Brain scans taken 3-months after the transplant revealed
that dopamine production had increased by 58%.
Blood disease treatments
• In leukemia the patient’s bone marrow makes
many abnormal white blood cells that can’t do
their job to fight infections.
• These abnormal cells surpass the production of
healthy white blood cells ,platelets and red
blood cells..
Blood disease treatments
• In hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, sample is
taken from blood or bone marrow of patient or a donor
or may come from the umbilical cord.
• These sample contain healthy hematopoietic (blood
forming)stem cells.
• Then doctors would give the patient chemotherapy
drugs or use the radiations to kill the abnormal white
blood cells and their stem cells.
• Now the healthy hematopoietic stem cells from the
sample are transplanted into the patient.
• Formation of normal functional white blood cells ,that
helps the body to fight off infections.
Cell deficiency therapy
Type I diabetes:
• People with type I diabetes could receive
pancreatic cells to replace the insulin-
producing cells that their own immune system
have lost or destroyed.
• Stem cells are extracted and after their
conversion into Beta cells, they are
transplanted into the patients.
Stem cells in regenerative medicine

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