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Impact of fashion on teenagers

I chose this topic because it is a recurring issue in the world and especially now. I believe that
almost every single teenager has been influenced over something they see that makes them want to
lose weight or even change. Because of this, I thought doing this topic could educate and change
peoples perspectives of this in a way that could benefit everyone around us.
It is relevant to British Youth because as I said, It’s something probably every teenager has had to
go through, making it a topic to be spoken about around youth.
My Research
I had learnt a lot from my research, much more than I thought I would.
My knowledge of this Topic and relating to it has widened and I believe I am confident to talk
about this topic to anyone.
Statistics I included in my research were that 43 per cent of teenagers say they would only post
something on social media that everyone would like and 26 per cent say that everything they see
makes them feel worse and ​just two per cent of female teenagers say they have never suffered from
eating or body issues, according to a recent study
This helped my productions to raise more awareness and become an educating topic in both my
Radio and Documentary productions.
 Having included this in my productions confirms a solid statistic for teenagers.
14-24 year old audience
 My topic was based off of teenagers and their struggle of being influenced over what they see.
Not only does it affect teenagers for young adults too.
 Having interviewed 2 teenage girls, helps to educate and show their experiences which helps
meet the target for the 14-24 year old audience as I have people sharing what they’ve gone
My Productions

Radio Show

Factual Documentary
During my Productions
 Having only myself to create my productions made me independent to my ideas which raised my
confidence as I only had to depend on myself.
 The hardest aspects of my productions was probably dead lines, I always want to make sure my
productions are done way before the deadline In case I had to edit or change something. This left me
worried I wasn’t going to meet the deadlines.
 Alongside of this, making sure the sound was adequate whilst I was editing was challenging, especially
as to having filmed outside in a busy town centre.
 I enjoyed filming because I felt independent and strong about my production having all the ideas I
believed would help my productions.
 I do think everything went well, at least fair. I met the deadlines, edited everything and included
everything I was to have in my productions. Although having feedback, I do have improvements to act
on however, it makes me confident for my next production.
 My productions did meet the target audience according to the feedback I got.
 It was also said that my Productions were unique.
 However on top of this, I still had improvements to follow on and they are useful and can help
me with my upcoming productions.
 Looking back now, I realised how much I have learnt from this including, I have learnt how to
edit two clips into one, the camera position and angle changing to who is speaking. My camera
skills and interview techniques have improved whilst there Is still room for the improvement, I
now have expanded my skills and knowledge.
 Setting up equipment by myself and depending on only myself has changed a lot and gave me
the confidence now for the work I will be doing for the next 2 years.
 I am satisfied with the things I need to improve on that I got from my feedback such as
changing location for my second interview and maintaining the same lighting levels for each
clips, especially when it is shooting a close up of the person I’m interviewing.
 Maybe even making sure the sound is good before I continue interviewing, as it sounds
somewhat muffled in areas.
 I think that I am good at interviewing and keeping in a professional state during my productions
and giving out questions and I am good at trying to meet deadlines possibly before the day.

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