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Nelson Kraucak Is
Associated With the
American College of
Integrative and Metal
Dr. Nelson Kraucak board certified family
practitioner in 1993, has been practicing
alternative medicine for two decades. Dr.
Nelson is actively associated with the American
College of Integrative and Metal Toxicology, the
American Academy of Family Practice,
American College for Advancement of
Medicine, American Academy of Holistic
Medicine, the Florida Medical Association,
Association of American Physicians and
Surgeons and the American Academy of
Environmental Medicine. Dr. Nelson is an
associate professor at the University of Central
Florida Medical School in Orlando. He is a well-
known family practitioner who treats his
patients using the benefits of alternative,
holistic and natural healing methods.
Dr. Nelson Kraucak holds advanced certificates
from the American Board of Holistic Medicine,
the International Board of Anti-Aging and
Longevity Medicine and in Heavy Metal
Detoxification, and Immuno Modulation.
Popularly known by his patients and peers as
Dr. K, Dr. Nelson Kraucak did his internal
medicine and residency internship in Family
Practice at Albert Einstein Bronx-Lebanon
Hospital Center in New York City.
He is also the founder of Life Family Practice
Center, which is located in the heart of The
Villages in sunny Florida. The center is widely
known for using natural approaches combined
with traditional medical methods along with
innovative and advanced technology for
relieving patients of many health issues and
helping them achieve optimal health.
About Life Family Practice Center

Life Family Practice Center was founded in

1995 by Dr. Nelson Kraucak and since then has
been treating people seeking the benefits of
alternative, holistic and natural healing. Its
scenic location in the heart of The Villages in
sunny Florida makes Life Family Practice
Center very accessible to patients, traveling to
see Dr. Kraucak throughout the continental US
and many foreign countries.
Life Family Practice Center is dedicated to
helping their patients use the body’s innate
natural defenses to heal and achieve
homeostasis for optimum health. The Center is
staffed with experienced physicians who use
natural approaches coupled with traditional
medicine and the latest medical technology to
care for their patients. For more information on
the services of Dr. Nelson Kraucak and Life
Family Practice Center, please visit

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