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1.What is the social issue all about?

• During the conflict the MNLF taking civilians as hostages
the group demanded the hoisting of the Bangsamoro flag
at the Zamboanga city hallo in exchange for the hostages.

> Conflict between philippine forces and a faction of the moro

national liberation front
> Generally known as the factions as the rogue MNLF elements
2. Who is affected by the social issues?

• Specially those within the area.

3. If you were to be in the situation of the assigned article to
you, what will you do, given the fact that you are still a

• Obviously be socially active with the issues in the

4. What us the important of being a social conscious
individual in your community or in the nation building?
• The importance of being a social conscious individual in
the community

• Is to become a socially active person?

• And lastly, it is a moral belief as individuals it is our

responsibility to act ethically and sensitively with the
social, economic and environmental issues.

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