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Past Continuous

Утвърдителни и отрицателни изречения
Past Continuous

1. Steven was awaiting an important call. Стивън очакваше важно обаждане

2. After four hours with no call, he decided to take a bath. След 4 часа
чакане, той реши да се изкъпе.
3. While he was having a bath, the phone finally rang! Докато се къпеше,
телефонът иззвъня!
 На български се превежда с минало несвършено време:

 Past continuous винаги се състои от най-малко две думи:

 Формата на спомагателния глагол „be“ в past simple + present participle
(пълнозначен глагол).
 Present participle се образува чрез добавяне на -ing към основната форма
на глагола.

утвърдително отрицателно present participle

you were – едн. ч. were not weren’t
I, he, she, it, was - едн. ч. was not wasn’t working
we, you, they were – мн.ч. were not weren’t
Въпроси и кратки отговори

 Bnpocите ce oбpaзуват, като спомагателният глагол „be“(was/were в Past

simple), разменя мястото си с подлога и се поставя в началото на
изречението. B кратките отговори спомагателният глагол (was/were) ce
повтаря. Отрицателните въпроси могат да бъдат образувани и в пълната
им форма, когато се подчертава отрицанието. Тогава обаче се променя
словореда. Hanp. Was he not working?

Was I, he, she, it, Yes, I, he, she, it, was.

Wasn't you, we, You,they were.
Were you, we, No I, he, she, it, wasn’t.
Weren't You, they you, we, You,they weren’t.
 Ситуации в миналото, при които е настъпило кратко събитие по време на
продължително действие или случка. Продължителното действие е в Past
continuous. Новото събитие, което е настъпило, е в раst simple
While Liz and Sharon were discussing children's manners, Julie left the office for
lunch. When she came back, the two of them were still talking about the same
 Действия и събития в миналото, които са протекли едновременно в един по-
продължителен период. Както в подчиненото, така и в главното изречение
се използва Past continuous
While the fans were clapping their hands, the popstar was singing his latest song.
Mr Smith was presenting the new concept and everybody was listening.
 За подчертаване на продължителността на дадено действие или събитие в
I was answering emails all morning.
While и when
 За да се различават вече течащи действия от ново настъпващи в миналото, използваме съюзите while и when.
Tе въвеждат подчинено изречение, следвано от главно. Правилата са следните:

While + past continuous While we were waiting for the bus,

главно изречение + past simple it started to rain.
It started to rain while we were
waiting for the bus.
When + past simple When I came home, Lisa was talking
главно изречение + past continuous on the phone and the kids were
watching TV.
Lisa was talking on the phone and
the kids were watching TV when I
came home.

Без значение дали първо се назовава главното или подчиненото изречение.

Тук също трябва да се отбележи, че whеn и while могат да се употребяват на събития в настоящето. Правилата
за запетаите важат и за следните изречения:
While I'm laying the table you're washing the salad.
while + present continuous изразява едновременност в настоящето, напр. при предложения.
When Thomas comes. I'll cook spaghetti.
When + present simple променя значението: when - когато, щом (като). В главното изречение се използва future.
 1. Попълнете правилната форма на глагола:
was или were snoring was или were telling
was или were sleeping was или were reading
was were striking was или were burning
was или were lying was или were running

When I came home last night,

a) .. Grandad ….. in front of the TV.
b) ..our dog Jessie … next to him.
c) …the cowboys on TV …. silly jockes in the saloon.
d) my wife … detective story in bed.
e) the lights in the hall …… .
f) the washing machine …. in the cellar.
g) Grandma's clock ……1 o'clock. Time to go to bed.

 2. Отговорете на въпросите като използвате глаголите в скобите

What were you doing when the telephone rang at midnight?(sleep)
What was Rita doing when Mrs Smith spilled coffee over her desk?(answer an e-mail)
What were the people doing when the bus didn't come?(grumble about public
What was your daughter doing when you called her?(listen to her new music)
What were the guests doing when the life music started?(eat desert)
What was your husband doing at work when you visited him?(work at his computer)
What were all those young people doing when the police arrived?(demonstrate for
human rights)
 3. Когато днес сутринта г-жа Еванс влезе в стаята, тя завари страхотен хаос.
Преведете на английски какво е станало по-време на влизането
When Ms Evans entered the classroom,
a) ..(Лукас танцуваше върху масата
b) (Тим хвърляше гъбата по Нико)
c) (четири момчета играеха карти)
d) (Симон стоеше на стол до тях)
e) (три момичета рисуваха картини на дъската)
f) (Нина и Патрик се надвесваха през прозореца)
g) (Тоби и Ким се боричкаха на пода)
h) (Сюзън крещеше на приятелката си)

 Като използвате изреченията от упражнение 3. опишете две

едновременно извършващи се действия в едно изречение. Започнете
изреченията си с whule.
 a) и b)While Lukas …..on the table, Tim ……….. the sponge at Nico.
 c) и d) ….
 e) и f)….
 g) и h) …..
 5. Прочетете текста и отговорете на следните два въпроса.
 Кои изречения изразяват две едновременно протичащи действия миналото?
Подчертайте ги с цветен молив или маркер.
 Кои изречения описват едно по-продължително действие в миналото, при
което настъпва ново събитие? Подчертайте ги.
Yesterday I had to go to work by train because my husband needed the car. When I
arrived at the station, lots of people were already waiting on the platform. The
train was late. Some people were nervous walking up and down while others were
talking about the delay. Fortunately I found a vacant seat on a bench. While I was
reading the morning paper, the woman next to me opened her bag. She was
making a lot of noise while she was searching for something. Finally she stopped
with a deep sigh. "Is everything OK?" I asked. "Yes, thank she replied with a smile.
"I was just thinking about my new flat thought I had left the keys at home. But I
hadn't." "Lucky you“ I as she waved a bunch of keys in her hand.

 6. Преведете изреченията с while и when от упражнение 5.

Last month I was on holiday in Ireland with my mum and dad. One day, we were
driving through a small village. It was time for lunch, so we stopped at a
restaurant .
It was a large , old building. We looked through the window. There were lots of
people in the restaurant. They were eating , drinking and chatting . A musician
was playing the violin. But there was something strange about the people. They
weren't wearing normal , modern clothes. They were wearing hats, jackets and
dresses from another century . We couldn't understand it. But we were hungry ,
so we opened the door .
When we went into the restaurant, everything was different. The people were
wearing normal clothes. The musician wasn't there - the music was on CD. It was
a very strange experience !

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