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First Aid

Unconscious position
• First aid is the first assistance or treatment given
to a casualty for any injury or sudden illness
before the arrival of an ambulance or qualified
medical expert.
• To save a life
• To prevent further injury
• To preserve vitality and resistance to infection
Unconscious position
An unconscious position
A. When someone's B. But, when the head
unconscious, the is tipped back, the
tongue goes floppy and tongue is pulled
can fall to the back of forward, allowing air
the throat. through.
Main procedure of recovery
1. Kneel beside the patient
2. Take the arm nearest to you,
and place it out at right angle to her
body with the palm facing upwards.
3. Take the other patient’s arm, and bring
it across the chest
4. Place the patient’s back of hand
against the cheek nearest to you,
and hold it there
5. Lift the patient’s furthest knee until the
foot is flat on the floor
6. Roll the casualty towards you by
pulling the furthest knee
7. Adjust the top leg so that it is at a right
8. Tilt the casualty’s head back so that
the airway remains open
Procedure of stop bleeding
1. Stop bleeding
2. Lay the patient down. Remove
clothing from around the wound if
you can
3. Press down hard on the wound with any
absorbent material or your bare hands, unless
there is a foreign object in the wound
4. Raise the wounded area above the level of
the heart if possible. When the bleeding stops,
put on a sterile gauze or absorbent dressing.
Calm and reassure the patient.
5. If the blood seeps through the dressing, do not
remove it but put another on top.
6. Tie the dressing in place with a bandage, scarf or
other suitable material. Keep the patient as still a
possible. Do not give anything to eat or to drink, even if
it is asked for
• 7.Get the medical attention quickly, if you
can do so without leaving the patient for
more than a moment. Regularly check the
pulse and breathing and make sure the
patient is comfortable.

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