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Alanis Barros
Niurka Lavanda
Nicole Guillermo
Dana Garcia
Michael Garate

eighth C
good morning teacher and students.
Our group played the Holy Brother Miguel,
he is one of the three Saints of our beautiful
country Ecuador.Here we will give you a little
information about Brother Miguel.

 STUDENT N1. Introduction (Bibliography)

 Writes the bibliography of the saint.
Miguel Febres Cordero Muñoz called religiously
as Holy Brother Miguel was born in Cuenca on
November 7, 1854 and died in Premiá de Mar on
February 9, 1910, considered a saint by the
Catholic Church, he was a religious member of
the Institute of the Brothers of the Christian
Schools and Ecuadorian educator, is venerated on
February 9, the day of his birth, his parents were
saddened to see that the boy had
deformed feet but were always attentive to the care of
his health, Gabriel García Moreno, President of
Ecuador, An exemplary Catholic and martyr, he
brought the Christian Brothers, formidable educators,
who in 1863 founded a school in Cuenca, in which
Miguel Febres Cordero was enrolled. In 1937 during the
Civil War, fearing that his remains would be vandalized,
they were transferred from Spain to Quito , Ecuador.
After his death, wonderful miracles began to be obtained
through the intercession of Brother Miguel, he was
beatified by Pope Paul VI on October 30, 1977 and
canonized by Pope John Paul II on October 21, 1984.
One of his phrases to pray was: Let's remember that we
are in the holy presence of God and his students
answered: And let us adore his holy name. Which now the
students of the Salle use it when it rings the bell of
another hour.
Writes the attributed miracles.
Beatification and canonization

Brother Miguel was beatified by His Holiness Pope Paul VI on

October 30,
1977, and finally in Rome, on October 21, 1984, he was
elevated to the altars,
as Saint, by Pope John Paul II.
1 Prayer of the saint.

Let us agree that we are in the holy presence of god.and his

students answered:
let's adore him
Student must make a hand-drawn chart in
A4 FORMAT of the researched saint.

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