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in, on, under

Where is the frog?

The frog is on the box.

Where is the frog?

The frog is in the box.

Where is the frog?

The frog is under the box.

Construct a simple sentence to describe the preposition of every pet.

is object

The spider is under the desk.

Pet preposition

Pet + is + preposition + object

Construct a simple sentence to describe the preposition of every pet.

What about this?

Pet + is + preposition + object

Look at the spiders,

Look at the rats,

Look at the lizards,

And look at the cats!

Look at the elephants,

Look at the dogs,

Look at the ducks,

And look at the frogs!

Spiders, cats,

Lizards and rats.

Ducks, dogs,

Elephants and frogs.

spider spiders
rat rats
cat cats
lizard lizards
elephant elephants
dog dogs
duck ducks
frog frogs

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