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What can we learn from those babies?
Some of us are watching it attentively while giving a little smile at some point without
even understanding what they are saying.
So, if you want to get attention from your audience, make sure to:
Show passion
Escalate your
*at least your hand
and Smile!
Last Words
Don’t Be Afraid to Mess Up

The fear of making a mistake can make

you inordinately nervous. Relax, even
the best speakers mess up or have bad
Use Humor

Humor can be great for giving a

presentation, but cut it out if it
feels like a stretch. Telling a
humorous story can break down
any barriers, make you more
likeable, and make your message
more memorable.
Be Genuine

Being genuine is the final and the most

important thing to know in delivering a
presentation. A lack of authenticity will
be spotted a mile away. Whatever
you’re saying, speak from the heart
and don’t try to impress – there’s no
need to prove yourself, just to get the
point across as you see it.
Good luck,
and thank you – for hearing me out

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