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Emotional intelligence

 Emotional intelligence:
(EQ) is the capacity of recognizing our own
feelings and those of others, for motivating
ourselves, for managing emotions in ourselves as
well as in our relationships.

1.Self Awareness

 The ability to recognize how you're feeling and why you're

feeling that way and the impact your behavior has on others
 the ability to recognize and understand your own emotions,
and others
 individuals are also capable of recognizing their own
strengths , limitations and Values
 naukricom.mp4
2.Self Regulation

  Emotional intelligence requires you to be able to regulate

and manage your emotions.
 waiting for the right time, place, and avenue to express your
emotions. Self-regulation is all about expressing your
emotions appropriately.
 ITALIE -FRANCE Finale.mp4
3.Social Skills

 Being able to interact well with others is another important

aspect of emotional intelligence.
 Your Net work is Your Net worth

 The ability to understand what others might be feeling and

thinking. It is the ability to view the world through another
person's eyes.
 the ability to understand how others are feeling.
 Empathy - A Short Film.mp4
5.Self Motivated

 People who are emotionally intelligent are motivated by

things beyond external rewards like fame, money,
recognition etc…
 Naan Kadavul Aryas.mp4
Books for your further
 Emotional Intelligence –Daniel Goel man
 You Vs You –Somavalliappan
 Idly yaka Irunkal in Tamil -Somavalliappan

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