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A Look Into Natural Remedies

By David Krause
Unit 4 / HW499
25 Jan 2021
Intro & Controversy
For the last 5 years or so I became very intrigued in whole foods,
herbs, and spices. This belief stems from my spiritual pillar of
wellness where I believe everything on this earth was provided for
us by design not coincidence. Alternative medicine is deeply
unappreciated and lacks the necessary research to truly shed light
on all the health benefits. The quote below was taken from the
Irish Times and there is a valid point being made:
“Ironically, in many ways doctors have only themselves to blame for
the astonishing growth in alternative medicine. It is the medical
profession's own dismissive attitude to alternative medicine; their
almost total reliance on drugs as the only valid form of therapy; the
major inadequacies of the medical system; and the medical
profession's failure to look at the whole person, which have driven
people to look elsewhere to have their health needs met.” (The
Irish, 2021)
Power House Herbs/spices That
Contribute To Our Health
Cayenne/Chile Pepper
Holy Basil
Olive Leaf

“Natures Cure All”

Holy Basil
Antidepressant / Anti-Anxiety

Helps Reduce Blood Sugar

Reduce Infection / Treat Wounds

Olive Leaf
Protects The Heart
Keeps The Brain Sharp
Helps fight cancer
Boost Brain Health

Antioxidants Battle
Free Radicals

Improves Circulation
Reduces Inflammation

Excellent Cooking Spice

Used Medicinally For 4000 Years

Cayenne/Chile Pepper
Adds Flavor and Kick

Contains Pain Easing


Improves Gut Health

Awesome Taste
Without The Sugar

Lowers Blood Sugar

Cordero, J. G., García-Escudero, R., Avila, J., Gargini, R., & García-Escudero, V. (2018). Benefit
of Oleuropein Aglycone for Alzheimer's Disease by Promoting Autophagy. Oxidative
medicine and cellular longevity, 2018, 5010741.

Mix, J. A., & Crews, W. D., Jr (2002). A double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized trial
of Ginkgo biloba extract EGb 761 in a sample of cognitively intact older adults:
neuropsychological findings. Human psychopharmacology, 17(6), 267–277.
Hewlings, S. J., & Kalman, D. S. (2017). Curcumin: A Review of Its Effects on Human
Health. Foods (Basel, Switzerland), 6(10), 92.
 (2021). 8 Impressive Health Benefits of Cayenne Pepper. Source here: pepper#TOC_TITLE_HDR_1
Johns Hopkins University. (2021). 5 Spices with Healthy Benefits. Source here: with-healthy-
Healthline. (2021). 10 Evidence-Based Health Benefits of Cinnamon. Source here:
The Irish Times. (2021). Why are doctors so against alternative medicine? Source here: alternative-medicine-

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