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The Meaning of School Culture

School Culture
 Use of the most complex and important concept
of education. It generally refers to the beliefs,
perceptions, relationships, attitudes and written
and unwritten rules that shape and influence
every aspect of how a school function.
 According to Spacey, School Culture consists of the norms
and shared experiences that evolve over school’s history.
 According to Scott and Mareano (2004) School Culture is
reinforced by norms, expectations and traditions, including
everything from dress codes to discipline systems to
celebrations of achievement.
 They are “built through the everyday business of school life.
It is the way business is handled that both forms and reflects
the culture.
(Sophier, J 1985)
Culture as a Social Construct
 Is a social construct not genetic construct. This
means that school culture is, therefore,
something that we do not inherit or pass on
through genes.
 It is something that we create and shape.
 Itshaped by everything that all people in school
see, hear, feel and interact with.
Sean Slade(2014)
 Within a couple of minutes of walking into a school or a
classroom, you can tell, define almost taste the culture
that permeates that space. It is an open, sharing
environment? Or is it rigid, discipline – define playing
field? It is safe and welcoming, or intimading and
confronting? Does it welcome all voices, or does it make
you want to shrink? It is waiting for instruction and
leadership or is it self directed with a common purpose.
School Climate and School Culture
School Climate

- Refers to the school’s effects on students,

including teaching practices, diversity and the
relationships among administrators, teachers,
parents and student.
School Culture
 Is level of reflection of share values, beliefs,
and traditions between staff members.
 refers to the way teachers and other staff
members work together and the set of beliefs,
values and assumptions they share.
The Role of School Culture in Learning

School Culture
- can be positive or negative or toxic. A positive
school culture fosters improvement, collaborative
decision making, professional development and
staff and student learning. A negative culture
fosters the opposite.

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