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Plateform Offshore Production

• Introduction
• Offeshore Platforme Disign
Design & • Offshore Platform Categories
Installation • Platforme Installation
• Greater Challenge for oil Companies

• Effects of Offshore Drilling: Energy vs. Environment

• Marine life
• Emission to air
Environemental • Water pollution

• Deep water horison explosion

World Big • Accident Causes
Disaster • Consequences
 Offshore platform are used for exploration
oil & gas for under seabed & processing,
 The first offshore plateform was installed in
1947 off the coast of louisiana in 6M depth
of water
 The field produced oil until 1984
 This event marked the begining of moderne
offshore industry as it’s known today,
 Today there are over 7000 offshore
platforms around the world in water depth
up to 1850M,
Offshore Platform Design
 Platform size depends on facilities to
be installed in top side
 Water depth clssification:
<350 (m): shallow water
<1500 (m): deep water
>1500 (m): ultra deep water
Offshore Platform Categories
A/Fixed structure B/Floating structure
That extend to the seabed That float near the water
- steel jacket surface (recent
 Concret gravity structure
 Compliant tower
Platform Installation
Corrosion Protection
 Usual forme of corrosion protection is:
Cathodic protection using the
sacrificial anodes
 The steelwork in the splash zone is
usually protected by a sacrificial wall
thickness of 12 (mm) to the members,

Structural Design
 Loads: Offshore design is dominated
by: environemental loads (wave,
wind , earthquak…etc)
 Permanant loads, Operating loads,
Construction & Accident loads
Plateform Foundation
Foundation: loads generated by environnemental
conditions & by onboared equipement must be resisted
by the piles at the seabed and below
Pile penetration is generally range from 30 to 100 (m)
[platform size & loads, soil characteristics…etc]

Structural Analysis
In addition to its geometrical & material properties,
each memeber is characterised by Hydrodynamic
coefficients (relating to drag, inertia, marine growth to
allow wave forces)
Greater challenge for oil companies
 As technology improves and existing petroleum reserves wane, exploration
will continue to dive into the subterranean depths. This combination of
deeper waters and deeper oil wells will pose even greater challenges for oil
Effects of Offshore Drilling: Energy vs. Environment

 Effects on marine life

Whenever oil is recovered from the ocean
floor, other chemicals and toxic substances
come up too -- things like mercury, lead and
arsenic that are often released back into the
ocean. In addition, seismic waves used to locate
oil can harm sea mammals and disorient whales.

 ExxonMobil recently had to suspend

exploration efforts near Madagascar after
more than 100 whales beached themselves 
 Emissions to air
The oil and gas industry is the largest source of greenhouse gas
emissions in the world
Offshore oil loading is the most important source of emissions
of volatile organic compounds
In addition, gas flaring generates emissions of soot and particles
Water pollution

1/the drilling fluid is claimed to be toxic to

marine life. This fluid, used to lubricate, cool and
regulate pressure when drilling, contains
petroleum products and heavy metals

2/the risk of oil spills, leaks and catastrophes is

another key consideration. Opponents of offshore
oil drilling claim that one oil rig can "dump more
than 90,000 metric tons of drilling fluid and metal
cuttings into the ocean" over its lifetime
World Big Disaster

A few general observations:

Most accident sequences and technical failures involve

human errors

Most of these human errors are rooted in management

Most regulations (government or industry) follow
accidents: lack of proactive risk management

Precursors and near-misses are not systematically

recorded and acted upon
offshore platform accidents are the most devastating types
of accidents at sea
they have long-term consequences for the environment
it is Adverse Environmental Impacts
despite the risks it represents, the offshore sector remains
unregulated, particularly at the international level.

Numerous accidents have occurred in offshore oil and gas

operations in recent years, causing significant environmental
damage that often affected coastal populations.

dozens of companies carrying out risky work in deep and deep

environments, without having the financial capacity to face a
possible accident
The Deep water Horizon Explosion
BP's Deepwater Horizon drilling rig exploded off the coast of Louisiana in april
2010, and burned for 36 hours before sinking.
Accident Causes
the accident was caused by a defective part:
An uncontrolled flow of hydrocarbons was
raised in the wellbore, which was almost
backed up. The platform had to be moved a
few days later to drill a little further. Gas
separated from the fluids and caught fire,
causing the explosion.
It is considered one of the worst environmental disasters of all time

Human losses
126 people were present on the platform,17 wounded, 11 dead.
Environment effetcs
Several leaks were produced during the explosion, releasing the oil from its tank
A big black tide, the oil flows then by millions of liters in the gulf
- 4.9 million barrels, or 780 million liters of oil discharged into the ocean ;
- About 100 km of coastline and 12 ha of soiled swamps;
-200 000 km² of sea prohibited to fishing (1/3 of France);
- 743 km of floating dams;
- Over 400 animal species potentially affected;
- 8 nature parks affected
Conclusion in question??

Can the world one day put an end to the exploitation of fossil energy
by the innovation and exploitation of renewable energies or it will
always be dependent on oil and gas which represent more than 50%
of world energy, and which presents a great danger for the future of
our planet and our life?
Thank You For
Your attention

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