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What is leadership behavior?

Leadership behavior is the traits and actions that make
an individual effective as a leader. 
Why are effective leadership behaviors important?
Good leadership behaviors are crucial to become someone who inspires a
nd leads people to maximize efficiency and to achieve the goals of the orga
nization. Leadership behaviors are essential to:

• Increase the productivity of the team

• Retain people
• Nurture future leaders
How to demonstrate effective leadership behaviors:
• Here is a list of ways you can behave like a leader:
• Be honest.
• Be confident in your decisions.
• Be approachable.
• Provide objective feedback.
• Lead by example.
• Create a reward program for staff members.
• Change how you approach your work.
• Address potential issues before they become problems.
• Pay attention to the needs of individual employees and try to meet them.
• Encourage creativity by keeping lines of communication open.
The 4 leadership behaviors that
really matter
The results revealed that leaders in organizations with high-quality
leadership teams typically displayed the following four leadership
• Solving problems effectively
• Operating with a strong results orientation
• Seeking different perspectives
• Supporting others

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