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Consept of Safety

What is a Safety
1. Zero Accident oe (serious incident
2. Freedom from danger or Risk
3. Error Avoidance
4. Regulatory Compliance
Concept of Safety…….

• Consider (the weaknesess in the notion of perfection)

1. The elimination of accidents (and incidents0 is unachievable
2. Failure will occure, inspile of the accomplished prevention efforts.
3. No human endeavour or human-made system can be free from risk
or error.
4. Controlled risk and controlled error is acceptable in an inherently
safe system’
Consept of safety…Doc 9859

• Safety is a state in which the risk of harm of persons or properly

damage is reduce to, and maintained at or below, an acceptable level
through a continuing procces of hazard identification and risk
• Risk Management
Adalah identifikasi, analisis dan eliminasi, dan pencegahan pada
suatu tingkat risiko yang dapat diterima yang mengancam kemampuan
suatu organisasi.

• Traditional approach – preventing accident

1. Focus on outcomes (causes).
2. Unsafe act by operational personnel.
3. Attach blame/punish for failure to “perform safety “.
4. Addres identified safety concen exclusive.
Identifies. What? Who ? When?
But not always discloses. Why? and How?

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