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Leonardo Da Vinci

Scarlett Hernandez
Early Life-
► He was born on April 15, 1452,
at 3 in the morning to a pair of
unmarried people.
► Little is known about his first 5
years, but we know that by the
age of five, he was living at his
grandfather's house in the small
town of Vinci, about 20 miles
away from Florence.
► His uncle Francesco became his
main guardian and friend soon
after he started living in Vinci.
Francesco was described as lazy
and good for nothing.
Showing an Interest in art-
 Early on in life, Leonardo showed a talent for drawing. He was
apprenticed to the artist Andrea del Verrochio. Leonardo and his
trainer soon became good friends.
 At the age of 20, between 1482 and 1499, Leonardo was in the
service of the Duke of Milan, since the ruler of nearby Florence
didn't like art much.
 Leonardo also became interested in human anatomy; he cut up
dead people to find out about the human body. This got him
expelled from the painters’ guild.
(Leonardo da Vinci; by Laura Layton Strom)
The Last Supper-
 Leonardo's stylistic innovations are  In the monumentality of the scene
even more apparent in The Last and the weightiness of the figures,
Supper, in which he re-created a Leonardo reintroduced a style
traditional theme in an entirely pioneered more than a generation
new way. Instead of showing the earlier by Masaccio, the father of
12 apostles as individual figures, Florentine painting.
he grouped them in dynamic Leonardo Da Vinci; by Kathleen Tracy
compositional units of three,
framing the figure of Christ, who
is isolated in the center of the
 Seated before a pale distant
landscape seen through a
rectangular opening in the wall,
Christ—who is about to announce
that one of those present will
betray him—represents a calm
nucleus while the others respond
with animated gestures.
The Mona Lisa-
 The Mona Lisa, Leonardo's
most famous work, is as well
known for its mastery of
 Chiaroscuro is the
technical innovations as for technique of modeling
the mysteriousness of its and defining forms
legendary smiling subject. through contrasts of
 This work is a consummate
light and shadow; the
example of two techniques— sensitive hands of the
sfumato and chiaroscuro—of sitter are portrayed with
which Leonardo was one of a luminous modulation
the first great masters. of light and shade,
Sfumato is characterized by while color contrast is
subtle, almost infinitesimal used only sparingly.
transitions between color 
areas, creating a delicately
atmospheric haze or smoky ographies/
effect; it is especially evident ml
in the delicate gauzy robes
worn by the sitter and in her
enigmatic smile.
Leonardo’s Work-
 Leonardo's many extant drawings, which reveal his brilliant
draftsmanship and his mastery of the anatomy of humans,
animals, and plant life, may be found in the principal
European collections; the largest group is at Windsor
Castle in England.
 Probably his most famous drawing is the magnificent Self-
 Leonardo produced only a dozen paintings in his entire
life, yet two of them are among the most famous works in
the history of art.
(Leonardo Da Vinci; by Margaret Hall)
Ideas about the Universe
 Da Vinci helped revolutionize science. And sometimes he just
dreamed up fanciful concepts. Always, he thought in ways no
one else had.
 Da Vinci sure liked mirror writing: most of his journals are
scrawled in reverse.
 Da Vinci modeled his perfect human form after the proportions
laid out by Vitruvius, an ancient Roman architect. The angry-
looking man drawn by Da Vinci has reason to smile - he's now
considered one of the most recognizable figures on earth.
After His Death
 On May 2, 1519, Leonardo died and  He spent 30 years keeping meticulous
was buried in Saint-Forentine in records and journals documenting his
Amboise. Yet even in death, the experiments and designs. "Vassari
artist's travels were not ended. observes with reference to Leonardo's
During the Wars of Religion writings, "he wrote backwards in rude
Leonardo's remains were moved characters, and with the left hand, so
several times. Eventually he was that anyone who is not practiced in
buried in the Chapel of St. Hubert in reading them, cannot understand
the castle of Amboise. them."" He did not number the five
thousand pages he documented but
 Leonardo da Vinci was an artist, a was adamant that each observation or
musician, a philosopher, an engineer, experiment documented be completed
a botanist, an anatanomist, a on the page it was begun. Leonardo
mathematician and a humanitarian. took great pains to finish his
He did not believe in life after death notebooks. Yet, in contrast to his
and he did not agree with the scientific studies, this artist who
teachings of the church. He was epitomizes the Renaissance left much
generous but suspicious. He of his artistic endeavors unfinished.
questioned everything around him  http://www.mezzo-
and excelled at everything he
undertook. o-da-vinci.html
Work Cited Page
 Leonardo Da Vinci; by Laura Layton Strom: New York: Children’s Press,
 Leonardo Da Vinci; by Kathleen Tracy: Hock essin, Del.: Mitchell Lane,
 Leonardo Da Vinci; by Margaret Hall: Edina, Minn.: ABDO Pub., c2008

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