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• I know Garvit from very long, maybe since grade 1 I don’t know at this point, all I know that he has been
on my side since I know him.
• Finally we got a job together we studied a lot for this moment, we became cosmonauts
• I met Kushagra when I was very young and something clicked about us that made us best
buddies and now we are cosmonauts and after we are selected to go on Mars our life is
“The Station is being breached, please reach to your nearest evacuation zone and proceed to leave for the headquarters by taking
shuttle X Æ A-12 I repeat the station…..”, the machine’s voice fades away into the darkness.

“Yo wake up man, there is something serious going on over here. Wake up we have too see what’s wrong”. Kushagra proceeds to
wake up from the temporary trauma he suffered due to an unknown reason. “What happened to me? Why are you so shocked?
What’s wrong?”, Kushagra was very confused. “It would be better if you see it for yourself” and then Kushagra got up from the
floor and what he saw was terrifying, he saw blood spilled everywhere, bodies of dead workers, intestines of a scientist teared up
like paper.

“What is all this?!?!?!!”, Kushagra exclaimed and then Garvit proceeded to tell him that he also was unconscious and when he
woke up he saw him lying on the floor and someone took him to a table and when he shouted and demanded where his friend was
being taken someone hit him with a blunt object on his forehead. “This is too bad, what does the ship log consist?”, Kushagra
asked “Nothing the whole log has been wiped clean”, Garvit answered “But there can be backups, can’t there be backups?”. He
started to notice something in the distance and proclaimed “Yo man there is something in the distance” and then Kushagra noticed
it too.
They both started to walk towards the strange setup and then what they saw was very awkward. “This… is an altar.”, Kushagra
said and as soon as Garvit touch the floor where the bizarre markings made of blood were present a surge of pain immediately
entered his head and he started to see memories while he trembled and fell on the floor. “Bro stay with me what’s happening
with you??!?”, Kushagra ran over to him and started to check his pockets. “Damn it, where is my Mobile Scan-mo-tron I always
have it in my pockets and then Garvit screamed in pain and said “GO TO MY LEFT POCKET AND GRAB THAT THING”, and then he
grabs the Mobile Scan-mo-tron and scans Garvit. “Come on hurry up and analyze what happened to him” but by the time the
machine scanned Garvit he was free of his pain and returned to his normal state.

“Bro are you fine?”, and then Garvit said that he was surprisingly fine but something odd happened with him. He said “I saw
visions of many things which are at the very least very disturbing” and Kushagra asked what did he see and then he said “I saw
that me and you were placed on altars and something was leaving our body. I also saw 2 different kinds of creatures which were
searching for something”. Then Kushagra helped Garvit to get up and move to another room and Kushagra said “Listen man we
jump on that shuttle and move to the headquarters then get back to Earth and retire.

The Mobile Scan-mo-tron bleeped and displayed the message that Garvit just suffered from a headache which happened due to
excessive stress on the brain. Kushagra informed Garvit of this and Garvit asked him “Who did this to me?” and then suddenly
the speakers in the room got activated and someone spoke

“Gentlemen it’s a pleasure to know that you both are still alive and not dead or turned into a failed experiment” an unknown
voice exclaims. “Who are you?”, Garvit asked. “My name is Samuel Benjamin Hayden and I am the supervisor of this mission. You
both might not remember me because we wiped your brain clean”. They both were shocked and demanded to know what
happened to them and he explained “We found an artifact on Earth which was thought of as a weapon so I was ordered to test
this on Mars and was told to keep this a secret and so I did”
“What the heck does this have to do with all of the people who died over here?” Kushagra asked. “Patience my friend, I’ll explain
everything you want to know. So getting back on track, I found some markings which were written on the artifact and those
markings were words written in Latin. I know how to read and write Latin so I spoke the sentences written on the artifact and I
met someone, The Devil. He himself told me that I made a grave mistake activating the power of the artifact and that I opened
the portal between Hell and the Overworld. See I did do something which was very dangerous but you too saw me and listened
to my conversation so I took steps.”

“And what were those steps?” Garvit asked. He explained that he asked the Devil to make a deal with him and that deal was to
sell Garvit’s and Kushagra’s soul to him and in return give them his strongest powers and see if 2 mortals can defeat him, and
surprisingly the Devil said yes so they were kidnapped and placed on altars so that he can take their soul and give them their

Samuel said “But that’s not the only thing that happened, we found a blackhole inside this planet’s centre”. Kushagra was in
disbelief and said that it’s impossible and Samuel told them “I thought that too but it seems that an unidentified element, which
we named Barenthium for research purposes, stabilizes the gravitational field of the black hole and doesn’t let it grow in size but
it doesn’t stop the fact that the black hole can still pull in objects if went too close to it”

“So?” Kushagra asked. “Have you ever heard of the ‘Einstein Rosen Bridge’ theory gents?” Samuel asked and then Garvit replied
“I have” and then Samuel explained them that the black hole has an end which is a white hole and some creatures from other
universe when found activity in the white hole entered it and broke the barrier of the white hole”. “So there are aliens now.”,
Kushagra proclaimed and he said yes and as soon as this conversation ended a demon was coming to attack Garvit and an alien
was coming to attack Kushagra. Garvit instantly gouged out the demons eyes and tore him into 2 halves from flesh to bone and
Kushagra suddenly made a sword out a piece of metal in seconds and stabbed the alien and tearing it apart from his torso. “Well
then gentlemen I guess you found out what powers you have so you both have the responsibility to save the world.” he said.

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