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Anemia Aplastik

Muhammad Riza

Departement Of Child Health, Faculty Of Medicine,

University Of Sebelas Maret, Moewardi Hospital
• Described  Ehrlich tahun 1888
• Autopsy of a young pregnant woman who had died after a
brief catastrophic illness  clearest example of failed
• Differs from agranulocytosis and pure red-cell aplasia, which
involve only granulocyte and erythrocyte production
• Defined as pancytopenia with a hypocellular bone marrow in
the absence of an abnormal infiltrate and with no increase in
• Penyebab anemia aplastik  50-70%  tidak diketahui/ idiopatik
• Sisanya diduga akibat radiasi, bahan kimia termasuk obat-obatan, infeksi
virus, dan lain-lain

• Pucat,
• Perdarahan
• demamPansitopenia (anemia,leukopenia dan trombositopenia)
• Tidak ditemukan hepatosplenomegali/ limfadenopati.
• Limfositosis relatif
• Diagnosis pasti  aspirasi sumsum tulang  gambaran sel yang sangat
kurang, terdapat banyak jaringan ikat dan jaringan lemak, dengan
aplasi sistem eritropoetik, granulopoetik dan trombopoetik
Investigations required for diagnosis

1. The following investigations are required :

2. screen for an underlying cause of aplastic anaemia
3. exclude other possible causes of pancytopenia with a
hypocellular bone marrow
4. exclude inherited aplastic anaemia
5. document or exclude a co-existing abnormal cytogenetic
clone or a PNH clone

1. Suportif ditujukan pada gejala-gejala akibat keadaan

pansitopenia yang ditimbulkan (transfusi dan
pemberian antibiotik)
2. Medikamentosa  imunosupresan, growth factors,
kombinasi, kelasi besi
3. Transplantasi sumsum tulang
Terima kasih

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