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For North America market - Netflix

The company should apply

Differentiation Focus (unique strategy
differentiation in a focused market) as it is
able to exploit their most competitiveness
is their own content making to compete
with others in cable TV which might already
had the content available in the market
already (in the theater like Disney+)

The new movies of Netflix made which

have not yet launched before could be
targeted in a new segmentation of viewers
who are eager for it (behavioral). That is a
new way of marketing and differentiation
of Netflix with those in cable TV so that
viewers will select to move to streaming.
More than that, with the customization
tools which will recommend viewers what
they watched or browsed movies before,
Netflix also takes care their viewers not like
in cable TV.
Intensive Growth –
Product Development
Netflix in North America has all the success factors to win the market like
• 1) brand reputation,
• 2) technology advancement
• 3) talents
• 4) customer’s behavior changing to watch online and
• 5) Netflix’s uniqueness with their own content

With all these factors, the most important thing now is to invest in their own content to feed the existing viewers and
to attract more viewers that are in demand to watch new movies. As said before, viewers in North America although
have a behavior to watch movies in cable TV (60%), however, the trend is set to change with benefit Netflix where 2.4%
of viewers decided to move to online streaming.
Content is king and that would make Netflix stand out from the crowd. Customization is also the focus to develop
like algorithm up to viewer’s interests to compete with Cable TV’s programs.

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