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Argumentative speaking


The aim of bringing gadget to school is to aid the students in studying-related purposes such as note
taking and searching for information
Background information

Educators are often in favor of banning bringing one's own gadget to school grounds. They believe it is
too much of a distraction for students.
Others have acted more considerately : allowing students to bring gadgets but they must first "deposit"
their gadget to homeroom teachers usually.
While the use of gadgets in class may be draw attention away from their study but it may also be useful
Reason & evidence

Search info easily (students can find information on the internet if they were to do some project/work that
needs factual info)
Subtitute books (the internet can also be a place to search for books which allows the student to replace
bringing books and reading e-books)
Make notes ( digitally making notes is really convenient as it not only saves paper, but it is means one
would not need to fear any notes will be lost)
Counter argument

Don't concentrate on classes (while the teacher is explaining, students might be able to use gadgets for
different purposes such as entertainment. This would mean students might not be learning at all)
Disrespectful (while the teacher is teaching, some students might misuse the gadget for other purposes.
This is seen as a very disrespectful action by the student)

i agree that students bring and use gadgets inside the classroom as long as it is monitored closely what they are
doing. As mentioned, using gadgets has lots of advantages educators can't ignore. While it has has downsides, if
the teacher can control the students' use of gadget, it would be fine.

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