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Jory allam 20000276

Noura aldossari 20000250

Rahaf Malaka 20000280
Zainab Attiya 20000321
Khawlah Hazim 20000294
Mona Mustafa Noor 20000317
Types of connective tissue proper
1. Loose areolar
2. Reticular connective tissue
3. Dense fibrous regular
4. Dense fibrous irregular
5. Elastic connective tissue
6. Brown Adipose connective tissue
7. White Adipose connective tissue
1. Loose areolar connective tissue
Site Matrix Cells Fibers
surrounding blood The space between fibroblasts, 1. Collagenous
vessels, nerve the formed elements macrophages, some fibers
bundles, muscles, of the tissue if filled lymphocytes, some
and organs. with matrix neutrophils 2. Elastic fibers

beneath the 3. reticular fibers

epidermis layer and
is also underneath
the epithelial tissue
of all the body

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