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believe organized people are not born organized
If you think you are a very unorganized
you can learn to be organized:
From planning things, jotting things down,
to skipping the unimportant things and organizing things that important,

For example :
In last evening before the exam :
You should study hardly and if you got offer to go out with friends you
have to delay it.

you will become an organized person as long as you’re ready

to learn and practice.
: I'm going to give you some tips to be organized
We all in our day have 24 hours , that's important to organize : relax and sleep
hours , Work hours , pastime and food hours , and hours for outside works.

1. Write Things Down and put it in your calendar.

We all know someone that remembers every important dates :

1-birthdays, the date of holidays , to planning to live it enjoyable

and funny.

2-Dates that you have to be prepared before , such as : Exam , interviews ......
And it's nice to live it without stress and worries.
So Trying to remember things will not help you to stay organized.
You should try writing things down and put it in your calendar with the final
time you must to do that in it.

2.Wear a watch, or put Watch-box near for you .

3.Don’t Delay:
Don’t wait to do something, It'll be more difficult it to get it
If you want to be your life less stressful than before ,You
should organize as soon as you can.
Putting in the effort to get things done as soon as possible will
As an you more relaxed
experiment, think and happier
of one thingthan
that doing it later.
you should organize in your life Write it
down, and when you can do it and what you need to get it done.
If you can get it done right now, then go do it!
4. always Reward yourself
For example : reading a book , go out with friend, relaxed on the sea ,
play video games
Thank you for listening , and
good lock for you

A2- Pre-intermediate ,Edanur - Ibtissem Teachers

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