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Kings Edition


Peter the Great-Russia
Charles I-England
Absolute Monarch, (1672-1725) Constitutional Monarch, (1600-1649)

An Absolute Monarch is defined as they were the supreme rulers and possessed all the power to rule
their countries. They believed in divine, or god given right to rule they only had to answer to god.
Absolute Monarchs were often found in Eastern Europe it was an effective style because they used this
power to strengthen armies, gain new territory, and improve the economy. The best ones were able to
work with the peasants and the nobles. Unfortunately, citizens had no say in government, taxation, or
laws. A Constitutional Monarch is where the Monarch still makes decisions, but the people have a say
for example, they have a say in taxes and the law.
Peter the Great was an absolute monarch who was beneficial for his country. He modernized Russia by
going west and finding new technology and advancements. He brought this new technology back and
wanted to implement these changes. To make the changes, he would need to have enough power to act
without waiting for approval from other government officials. He increased his powers and decreased
the power of the nobility. These increased powers allowed him to make changes that he wanted and to
make them happen quickly. He also increased the size and improved training of his army.

Charles I was a constitutional monarch in England in the 1600’s. He was known for raising taxes in
Parliament to get money for war against other countries. In 1628, he called a meeting to raise taxes for
wars against France and Spain. Parliament through a Petition of Rights decided to limit the powers of
the king. They would not let the king use martial law to rule the country, raise taxes, or put people in
jail to get them out of the way. Charles I went along with the Parliament to get the money but, later
dismissed them. In 1640, this happened again leading to a civil war between the king and Parliament in

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