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“Urinary Incontinence” or UI is the

inability of a person to hold urine out
of the bladder, whether consciously
or unconsciously
Before dealing with geriatric patients with
Urinary Incontinence, accuracy is needed in
determining the type suffered by these patients.
For this reason, it is better to discuss a few types
of Urinary Incontinence in the elderly,
A. Acute Urinary Incontinence
B. Chronic Urinary Incontinence
A. Acute Urinary Incontinence (Transient)

Generally reversible. This type of IU will disappear if the

causative factors can be treated properly. The causes are:
1. Lower Urinary Tract Infection (UTI), both urethritis and
2. Drugs
3. Endocrine Disease, for example DM
4. Skibala (the presence of stool remnants left in the
intestine, so that a strong straining effort is needed to
remove it)
5. Emotional and psychological disorders
B. Chronic Urinary Incontinence
Not related to acute diseases or drugs. The classification of chronic UI is as
1. Stress Urinary Incontinence (Sphincter Incontinence/ Passive
It arises because of the weakness of the pelvic floor muscles, so that if
there is an increase in intra-abdominal pressure (when coughing,
sneezing, straining or lifting heavy items), the urine will come out
2. Urge Urinary Incontinence (Detrusor Incontinence/ Active
Incontinence )
Occurs due to hyperactivity of the detrusor muscles in vesica urinaria
(VU) which is very sudden and strong, so that the urge or desire to
urinate cannot be held back and finally urine comes out unnoticed.
3. Mixed Incontinence (Incontinence mixed type)
This type of incontinence has symptoms of both "stress" and "urge"
4. Overflow Urinary Incontinence
Occurs due to weakness of the bladder muscles. If the jar is full more
than its capacity, then the urine will flow by itself. Can occur :
• Paradox Incontinence. This type is actually not true incontinence.
Because of the chronic obstruction of the urethra, urine retention
occurs. The bladder contracts strongly to excrete urine, but the
remaining urine continues to accumulate. The bladder that was able
to contract will be tired and unable to contract again. As a result, if
the jar is full, urine comes out of will.
• Incontinence due to bladder hypotension. Basically the pot is
weak, so it cannot contract. This can be attributed to diabetes
mellitus, multiple sclerosis, narcose, delirium, coma, or over
relaxation blisters.
5. Functional Incontinence Incontinence caused by factors outside the
neurology and urology, such as physical abnormalities, environmental
factors, or cognitive functions.

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