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It is the speed of the data in a distribution,

that is, the extent to which the observations

are scattered.
1. Range
2. 10 – 90 percentile range
3. Semi – inter quartile range or Quartile
Deviation (QD)
4. Standard Deviation ( σ )
1. Used for setting up frequency distribution
2. Most unstable because it vary from
sample to sample
3. Can be used justifiably when we want a
hasty measure of variability.
4. Best when knowledge of extreme scores
or total spread is all that is wanted
  1. Good if it is to eliminate the effect of the
extreme scores
2. Somewhat better than the range because
it is directly affected by the greater number
of scores.
D = P90 – P10
P90 = is a point in a distribution which has
90% of the cases below it.
P10 = is a point in a distribution which has
10% of the cases below it.
1. good when the mean is the measure of central tendency
2. capturing the middle 50% of N
3. the rule is: median + QD

Q3 – Q1 P75 - P25
QD = ------------- = ----------------
2 2
1. good when the mean is the measure of central
2. capturing the middle 68.29% of N
3. the rule is: X + σ
σ = √ { ∑ f (X – x) 2 / N } or
σ = √( ∑ f d2/ N) -- ( ∑ f d/ N)
Variance = (σ)2
Skewness is the word used for the
degree of departure from symmetry as
shown by a frequency distribution. It also
indicates whether the curve has a longer
tail on the right (positively skewed) or a
longer tail on the left (negatively skewed).
Kurtosis is the “peakedness” or
“flatness” of a given distribution.
The efficiency ratings of 165
employees of a AGM company were
taken and are shown below. Determine:
a. mean, median and mode.
b. range, 10 – 90 percentile range,
quartile deviation and standard deviation
c. skewness and kurtosis
d. interpret the results

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