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Submitted To Submitted By
Dr. Yograj Shukla Hemlata Kaushal
Important points about Parsley
• Parsley is the dried aromatic leaf of a biennial herb with dense foliage
and white flowers.
• It is a cool season, hardy crop which flourishes well both in temperate
as well as tropical climates. It can also be produced under glasshouse
or polyhouse.
• Parsley thrives best in loamy as well as moisture retentive soils with
proper drainage.
• Parsley grows best in moist, well drained soil, with full sun. It grows
best between 22-30°C and usually is grown from seed.
• Germination is slow, taking four to six weeks and it often is difficult
because of furanocoumarins in it’s seed coat.
• Garden parsley is a bright green, biennial plant in temperate climates, or
an annual herb in subtropical and tropical areas.
• Parsley is a source of flavonoids and antioxidants,
especially luteolin, apigenin, folate, vitamin K, vitamin C, and vitamin A. 
• Parsley grows best in moist, well-drained soil, with full sun. It grows best
between 22–30 °C (72–86 °F), and usually is grown from seed.
• Parsley, similar to other members of the Apiaceae family, has seeds that
have an erratic and low germination rate even under optimum field
• Seeds germinate slowly and unevenly in the cold, wet soils characteristic
of early spring.
Latest area and production of Parsley
Straight leaf: Petroselinum sativum var. latifolium Airy Shaw, that
includes cultivars such as Common, Geant from Italy and Plain.

Curly leaf: P. sativum var. crispum, some are Curly dark-green, Moss Curled
Evergreen, Moss Curled 2-Krausa, Moss Curled 2-Petra, Favorit, Paramount,
Sparticus, Frisé dark-green Frison and Robust strains, Bravour, Moskrul
Pagoda and Krausa strain, Decora and Exotica.

Root for consumption: P. sativum var. radicosum Bailey, like the commercial
varieties Hamburgrooted, lonf-rooted Parsley, Halflange Fakir strain, etc.
Question – 1 (Fill in the blanks):
1)  It bears _________ inflorescences with equal radius.
2) A ______seedbed is required.
3) Transplants may be spaced _______inches apart.
4) Petroselinum crispum has explicit aromatic odor because of the existence
5) Parsley has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, diuretic and ___________properties.
6) The seeds contain __________of volatile oil and 13–22% of fixed oil.
7) Parsley was reported to protect cells by de-creasing the ageing process due to its
8) Parsley is ________to water stress.
9) Fresh parsley has been reported to have a storage life of ______months at 0°C.
10) Parsley (Petroselinum crispum) is a herb belonging to the _______.
(Answers: 1.umbel 2. fine 3. 4 to 8 4. essential oil 5. hypoglycaemic 6. 2–8% 7. anti-
oxidant 8. sensitive 9. 1–2 10. Apiaceae)
Question – 2 (True / False )
1) Parsley plants will grow best when planted in bright sunlight or partial
2) Parsley if propagated from seed, either by direct seeding or sowing indoors
to produce transplants.(True)
3) Seeds should be sown in the spring when the soil has cooled.(False)
4) Parsley is usually ready for harvest about 45 days after sowing.(False)
5) Italian flat leaf parsley has a stronger flavour than curly leaf parsley.(True)
6) Parsley grows best in moist, less-drained soil.(False)
7) Parsley generally prefers a cool temperate climate.(True)
8) Parsley is a native of Sardinia. (True)
9) The herb is possessing diuretic, carminative, anti-pyretic properties.(True)
10) Germination is slow, taking 1-2 weeks.(False)
(Answers: 3. warmed 4. 75 6. well-drained 10. 4-6 weeks)
Question -3(Correct the statement)
1) Soil is prepared to dense filth by disc ploughing .
2) Narrow and clean cultivation is recommended for parsley.
3) Pruning parsley will also encourage it to shed more stems
4) The plant produces small, green flowers on umbels.
5) Parsley is an smelling plant with an erect growth habit.
6) Plants grow best at temperatures between 17 and 24°C .
7) Parsley contains less than 5.5 percent essential oil.
8) The plant normally dies after seed germination.
9) Hamburg root parsley produces much thiner roots.
10) Soaking the seeds overnight prior to planting will aid maturation.
1. fine filth
2. Shallow
3. grow
4. Yellow
5. Aromatic
6. 7 and 16°C
7. 0.5 percent
8. seed maturation
9. Thicker
10. germination
Question – 4 (Match the following)
1) Pythium a) necrotic lesions
2) Rust  b) necrotic flecks
3) Cercospora leaf blight  c) Rhizoctonia
4) Septoria leaf spot d) Damping-off
5) Powdery mildew  e) Puccinia 
6) Crater spot f) Carrot motley dwarf 
7) Alternaria leaf blight g) Aphids 
8) Cavariella aegopodii
9) herbaceous 
10) Viral
Answers- a-7 b-3 c-6 d-1 e-2 f-10 g-8
Question – 5 (Multiple choice question)
1) Chromosome no. of Parsely is –
a) 2n = 22 b) 2n =18 c) 2n= 16 d) 2n =24
2) Curly variety of Parsely -
b) Purple top white b) Golden Ball c) Forest Green d) Snowball
3) Depth of sowing should be 
c) 1cm b) 3cm c) 5cm d) 7cm
4) Seeds of turnip should be sown on ridges or rows at
d) 30cm b) 60cm c) 45cm d) 90cm
5) Botanical Family Name of Turnip
e) Cruciferae b) Apiaceae c) Spikelet d) Peronospora
6) Seed rate in Parsely is –
f) 3 b) 5 c) 7 d) 9
7) System of parsely is
a) Self b) cross c) narrow d) broad
8) Optimum temp. for heading in parsely is –
b) 20-30 degree celcius b) 18 – 21 degree celcius c) 10 -15 degree
d) 25- 30 degree celcius
9) In the plains, the seeds of Parsely are sown from
e) July to September b) August to October c) October to December d)
January to March
10)  Parsely needs a loose, well-aerated soil having a pH range of
f)  5.5 to 6.0 b) 4.4 to 5.0 c) 7.0 to 8.0 d) 5.0 to 6.0
( Answers - 1-a , 2-c , 3-a , 4-a , 5-b , 6-a , 7-b , 8- b, 9-b , 10- a )
Recent research: Yield and biological properties of leaf parsley
(Petroselinum Crispum)
• The study evaluated yield, quality parameters and biological value of the yield of
selected leaf parsley cultivars. The investigated material included marketable yield
(entire leaves), and chemical analyses of fresh leaves included the determination of
dry weight, total acidity, the content of L-ascorbic acid, chlorophyll a and b and total
chlorophyll, total carotenoids, total polyphenols and antioxidant activity measured as
the inhibition of DPPH radicals.
• The aim was investigate a few cultivars of leaf parsley, including ones with curly and
with plain leaves. The variety with plain leaves called Plain Leaf produced significantly
higher yield of 166.52 t ha-1 in 2015 and 97.31 t ha-1 in 2016. The cultivars Gigante
d’Italia, Plain Leaf and Lisette achieved the highest percentage share of leaf blades in
their yield. T
• he cultivars Lisette and Neapolitan parsley showed the highest content of pigments. A
comprehensive analysis identified cv. Neapolitan as the most valuable cultivar – the
richest in polyphenols and L-ascorbic acid and with the highest antioxidant activity
measured by the inhibition of DPPH radicals. With the mean content of calcium at 40
007.5 mg kg-1 DM and magnesium at 3208.25 mg kg-1 DM in 2016, the leaves of cv. 
Recent research: The evaluation of quality of selected cultivars of
• Parsley leaves are the most valuable vegetables owing to its biological properties. They
are a very rich source of vitamin C, β-carotene and mineral constituents. The study aim
of the present work was to evaluate yield and quality of three cultivars of leafy parsley:
'Amphia', 'Festival' and 'Verta'- a leaf cultivar. In the experiment conducted in 2009-
2010 the yield of leaves for unit of area and an influence of conservation method
(freezing, drying) for content of active compounds were determined.
• The raw material was harvested in two terms: in the second ten days of August and
second ten days of September. The content of essential oils, flavonoids, polyphenolic
acids, vitamin C, carotenoids, and chlorophyll were determined in all kinds of raw
material. The yield of leaves per 1 m 2 was on average from 0.55 kg to 3.57 kg. Higher
mass of leaves was obtained at the second term of harvest for all investigated varieties.
• Among the compared cultivars 'Amphia' produced higher yields than others (2.61 kg·m
-2). The content of biologically active compounds in the leaves of parsley significantly
depended on the variety, date of harvest and method of conservation. The content of
assimilate pigments and vitamin C in leaves of parsley clearly decreased under the
influence of freezing and drying

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