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A Stop Motion On A Song Titled

“Stronger Than I Know”


Created By Bima’s Group

What is Stop Motion ?

Stop motion is a technique in which in animate objects appear to be able to move on their own. Usually, the
trick to make the object move is to use a photo frame which will be played in a sequential way and also continuously
until the object seems to be moving.

kind of animation takes a fairly long time to execute as it is estimated 12 frames (or pictures) are about one
second of video. There are a few types of stop motion animation and they include manipulating objects, clay, people,
cutouts, puppets, and more.
Of Stop Motion
stop motion animation is almost as long as that of
film itself. The very first stop motion film produced was
1898’s The Humpt Dumbty Circus, a short film made using
dolls with jointed limbs to simulate the movements of circus
acrobats. Sadly, this is a lost film, and no verified stills or
parts of the film have been recovered. 
� Object-Motion — moving or animating objects
� Claymation — moving clay
� Pixilation — moving or animating people
� Cutout-Motion — moving paper/2D material
� Puppet Animation — moving puppets
� Silhouette Animation — backlighting cutouts
This songs tells us about a person who lives on the island
she wants to know about her self. She hopes to be a perfect figure,
every time she took a step towards making it happen, it was
always the same as the beginning. But she always tried her best to
make it happen and the moment she looked up at the sky and the
sea, it was like calling her out for adventure yet, she didn't know
how far it went and someday when she wants to go on an
adventure. No one knows how far she will go. Because people
always think about themselves.

Thanks to all audience Don’t ask a Question ~ Bye!

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