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Weather Detection & Monitoring using AI

Jawad Qamar EE-17/069

Jawad Munawar EE-17/001
Yahya Khan EE-17/141
Zafar Sharif EE-16/091

Supervisor: Dr.M.Saleem
Project Overview
A short story
Meteorological Parameters

 Air temperature
 Relative humidity
 Wind speed
 Wind Direction
 Atmospheric pressure
Why this project?

 What is weather detection?

 How it is carried out?
 Weather radar
 Doppler radar
Weather Radar:

 Types of weather radar
 Precipitation, motion and type of weather( rain, snow, hail etc. )
Doppler radar:

 Electromagnetic wave fields

 Amount of energy reflected
 Nature of wind inside storm
 Hazards of thunderstorm
Design elements:

 Microcontrollers
 Sensors
Humidity, pressure, temperature, windspeed & direction
 Cloud storage
Online data storage to neglect the data loss when servers are down
 Machine learning
To train our data and help us increasing the accuracy of weather prediction
Quantifiable Outcomes
What will be done within this project?

 Localization
 Data Collection
 Data Training
 Web App

 Increased the accuracy of prediction

 Introduction of deep learning
 Localized weather prediction
Project Worth & Contribution to Society and
Market worth & product value:

 Allied market research report

 $2777 million, 2023
 New concept with high results
Academic worth:

 Research paper
 Another use of machine learning
 Use of JAVA
 Understanding of concepts( i-e deep learning, microcontrollers, cloud storage, sensors)
Contribution to society and environment

 Helping people to take right decision

 Warning them to take protective measures
 Building a trustworthy system
 Environment friendly
Tools, hardware, software required:

 Hardware:
1. Microcontroller (CSP 2866)
2. Sensors (Pressure, temperature, humidity, wind speed & direction)
3. Rainfall measuring device
 Tools and software:
1. GSM gateway module (800L Amazon)
2. IOT core (MQTPCS)
3. Java script
4. JS note
5. Architecture (AWS R studio)
Gantt Chart

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