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 Myocarditis
◦ Inflammation of the myocardial muscles.
◦ Rhematoid Source
◦ Cardiovascular decompensation is now further
complicated by an increased blood volume in the heart.

 Left side CCF- Failure of the left ventricle

 Right side CCF- Systemic HTN

Sign and symptons of CCF
 Heaviness of legs
 Increased abdominal girth
 Fatigue, Anxiety
 Shortness of breath
 Nocturia
 Tachycardia
 Jaundice
 Edema
 Weight gain
 Dyspnea
 Accessory muscles used for breathing
Diagnostic Test
 Lab test
◦ Serum bilirubin

◦ Serum lactate

◦ Cardiac enzyme and isoenzymes

◦ Liver enzyme

◦ Blood urea
 Chest X-ray
 Electrocardiogram
 Echocardiogram

 Treatment-
Improves the way your body uses oxygen and has the highest impact
on your heart health. For example- Aerobic exercise

 Respiratory muscle training-

 Diaphragm
 Accessory muscle training
 External intercostal muscle training

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