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Final Test

Economic Diplomacy as a Foreign
Policy Tool of the Russian
Federation: European Vector


The choice of the topic in modern conditions is quite relevant and is due to the study of economic
diplomacy as an economic phenomenon and, as a consequence, to the nature of integration processes
that have developed in the XXI century. Cooperation with the European Union in the economic sphere
has always been one of the priorities of foreign policy of the Russian Federation, since the European
Union is a key partner of Russia in the industrial and energy sectors international activities. That is
why effective economic diplomacy of the European Union in Russia is an important component of the
foreign policy of the leading countries of the region, and there is a need for a detailed study of the
structure of Russian-European economic diplomacy, as this will help to better understand what
measures will need to be taken to strengthen foreign economic relations.

Literature review
In order to explore the variety of new opportunities that open up for Russia's economic diplomacy in the
context of expanding economic cooperation with the European Union and developing joint projects
with international and trade and economic associations it is worth referring to the works of foreign
experts: N. Bain, P. Bergeijk , s. Woolcock, R. Saner, P. Krugman and L. Yui, who studied the general
foundations of economic diplomacy, foreign economic cooperation and developed a systematic
approach to assessing the effectiveness of foreign economic activity in general.

Object of research: foreign policy of the Russian Federation.

Subject of the research: Russia's economic diplomacy as an instrument of influence on the European Union.

The hypothesis of the research: We believe that the system of economic diplomacy of the European Union
and Russia has acquired new features in the context of sanctions. There have been qualitative changes in the
development of foreign economic relations between the countries of the European Union and Russia. Sharply
reduced possibilities of development of trade-economic relations between Russia and the countries of the
European Union in the field of investment and foreign trade, but in 2018-2019 state of economic diplomacy
between the European countries and Russia began to improve.

Possible methods of the research: Comparative analysis , observation, synthesis, analysis, deduction,
induction, statistical analysis and case study.

Next Steps for Research
1. Prepare an empirical basis for the study
2. Study the work of colleagues on this research topic
3. Start writing the main part of the research paper.


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