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Name: Jashmine Grace A. Irangan
Grade &Section: 7th Manapat
Submitted to : Ma’am Wilma Silvestre
Stay away
from people who
are sick.
Sick people can spread
viruses that cause the
common cold through
close contact with

Name: Jashmine Grace A. Irangan

Grade &Section: 7th Manapat
Submitted to : Ma’am Wilma Silvestre
Covering coughs and
sneezes and keeping
hands clean can help
prevent the spread of
serious respiratory
illnesses like influenza,
respiratory syncytial
virus (RSV), whooping
cough, and COVID-19.

Name: Jashmine Grace A. Irangan

Grade &Section: 7th Manapat
Submitted to : Ma’am Wilma Silvestre
Washing your hands is one of the
most effective ways to prevent
yourself and your loved ones
from getting sick, especially at 
key times when you are likely to
get and spread germs.
Wash your hands with soap and
water for at least 20 seconds
If soap and water are not readily
use an alcohol-based hand saniti
 that contains at least 60%
Name: Jashmine Grace A. Irangan
alcohol to clean
&Section: 7 Manapat

Submitted to : Ma’am Wilma Silvestre

Disinfection practices are
important to reduce the
potential for COVID-19 virus
contamination in non-
healthcare settings, such as
in the home, office, schools,
gyms, publicly accessible
buildings, faith-based
community centres, markets,
transportation and business
settings or restaurants.
Name: Jashmine Grace A. Irangan
Grade &Section: 7th Manapat
Submitted to : Ma’am Wilma Silvestre
Avoid touching your
eyes, nose, and mouth
with unwashed hands.
Viruses that cause colds
can enter your body this
way and make you sick.

Name: Jashmine Grace A. Irangan

Grade &Section: 7th Manapat
Submitted to : Ma’am Wilma Silvestre

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