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By : Michelle Simangunsong
My Dog

Good morning for all of us...

Let’s me intoduce my self to you
My name is Michelle Simangunsong and i want to
say thank you very much because you give your
attention for me.
So,i’d like to talk to you about my dog
That’s my dog....i named it Stalker...
It is very has four short legs,a small
tail,soft fur,small and wide ears,the colour is white
and brown.
Stalker like to ask me to is very cute when
it roll over in my garden, and Stalker has the unic
characteristic from the other animal....because it has
a sign in it’s body that is symbol HEART.....
Well that is my pet....and i want to say thank you
because you can give your attention for me...

SEE YOU LATER............

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