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321. Which glycolytic enzyme catalyzes a reversible reaction?

A. glyceraldehyde phosphate dehydrogenase

B. hexokinase
C. phosphofructokinase-1
D. pyruvate kinase
E. none of the above
322. Deficiency of this fatty acid leads to decreased vision and altered
learning behavior.
A. linoleic acid
B. omega 6 fatty acid
C. arachidonic acid
D. linolenic acid
E. none of the above
• . Linolenic acid / omega 3 fatty acid deficiency results in decreased
vision and altered learning behavior.
• Linoleic acid / omega 6 fatty acid is a precursor to arachidonic acid is
thus essential in prostaglandin synthesis.
323. The following are causes of conjugated hyperbilirubinemia, except:
A. Dubin Johnson syndrome
B. Rotor syndrome
C. biliary atresia
D. Gilbert syndrome
E. no exception
In Dubin Johnson syndrome, the gene encoding MRP2, involved in the secretion of already
conjugated bilirubin into bile, is mutated.
Rotor syndrome is characterized by chronic conjugated hyperbilirubinemia and a normal liver
Biliary atresia is a form of biliary tree obstruction and a cause of conjugated hyperbilirubinemia which
results in the regurgiation of bilirubin glucuronide into hepatic veins and lymphatics.
324. True regarding the biochemical events occurring during muscle
A. The S-1 head of myosin hydrolyzes ATP to ADP and P1, which
remain bound.
B. Formation of the actin-myosin-ADP-P1 complex promotes the
release of P1, inititating the power stroke.
C. Myosin-ATP has a low affinity for actin, which is thus released.
D. all of the above
E. none of the above
325. What is the most potent positive allosteric activator of
phosphofructokinase-1, and an inhibitor of fructose-1,6-
A. fructose-2,6-bisphosphate
B. fructose-6-phosphate
C. glucose
D. acetyl CoA
E. none of the above
326. In the fed state, the following enzymes' activities are expected to
increase, except:
A. phosphofructokinase-1
B. pyruvate dehydrogenase
C. glucokinase
D. glycogen synthase
E. cAMP dependent protein kinase
327. Bile acid conjugation with glycine or taurine takes place in which
A. golgi apparatus
B. endoplasmic reticulum
C. cytosol
D. peroxisomes
E. none of the above
328. What is true regarding the pentose phosphate pathway?
A. The enzymes involved are mitochondrial.
B. Oxidation is achieved by dehydrogenation using NAD+ as an electron
C. Like the TCA cycle, this pathway yields ATP.
D. This pathway can account for the complete oxidation of glucose.
E. Glutathione reductase contains selenocysteine at its active site
329. Which is a true statement?
A. Gilbert syndrome is the most common cause of unconjugated
B. Phenobarbital is effective in the treatment of Crigler Najar type I.
C. Crigler Najar type II is the benign form.
D. A hemolytic condition is suspected when urinalysis reveals increased
amount of conjugated bilirubin but no urobilinogen.
E. none of the above
329. Which is a true statement?
A. Gilbert syndrome is the most common cause of unconjugated
hyperbilirubinemia.- Neonatal physiologic jaundice is the most common
cause of unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia
B. Phenobarbital is effective in the treatment of Crigler Najar type I. - no effect
C. Crigler Najar type II is the benign form.
D. A hemolytic condition is suspected when urinalysis reveals increased
amount of conjugated bilirubin but no urobilinogen.- . An obstructive
E. none of the above
330. The following are glucogenic, except:
A. leucine
B. propionyl CoA
C. lysine
D. A & B
E. A & C
• Ketogenic only: Leu & Lys.
• Propionyl resude from an odd chain fatty acid is the only part of a
fatty acid that's glucogenic.

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