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Personal Akhlak of

Group Members :
Background and Objectives
Previous Studies

 According to Islam, children are the gift from Allah.

 Relationship between child and parent is important.
 Child’s behavior is the reflection of their parents’ and family’s background.
 According to Qur’an Surah Luqman, it is told that parents should teach their
children to have :
 Akhlak towards Allah
 Akhlak towards their parents
 Akhlak towards other people or the society
 Akhlak towards themselves.

5.1 Research design

This study applies a quantitative approach because it specifically involves
numerical and computable data that can be changed into numbers. This study is also
a correlational study. It is because it attempts to determine the existence and
degree of relationship between independent variables namely parenting styles with
the dependent variable namely adolescent akhlak.

5.2 Sample and population

The sample is selected by using a simple random sampling method. Black
(1999) asserts that this method is used to eliminate bias. This sampling techniques
enables every student to have an equal probability to be chosen as a sample. A
number of 92 students were identified as sample of this study. This study focuses on
Form 4 students of one Islamic School in the South of Malaysia to identify the
relationship between parenting style and emotional intelligence with the adolescent
akhlak based on the sources of the Qur’an and hadith.

5.3 Instruments
The researcher uses questionnaire as the research instrument due to its
convenience and accurate (Fraenkel and Wallen, 2001). In this study the
demographic information of the respondents, parenting styles of the respondents’
parents and the respondents’ akhlak were examined.

The family is a place where children get protection and affection from the
family, and the family is the first place to accept children born into the world. so
that the family is responsible for the child's life. Families must teach children
various kinds of education so that children can live in a good society.
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