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Kelompok 1:
Meita Dwi Lestari
Fajarina Putri Isnaini
Dewi Susanti
Yu l a s t r i
Sistem pencernaan
transmission routes
How to prevent
Susceptible people
T h e N e w
C o r o n a v i r
u spopulation is generally

child Adults Seniors

But relatively low infection Mostly infected adults Older and frail people
rates in children seem to be more
susceptible to infection
How to prevent
T h e N e w
C o r o n a v i r
u s
Reduce exposure: Avoid going to high-endemic areas and
avoid closed, airless public places.

02 Wash your hands frequently

03 Try to avoid going to crowded places

04 Try to avoid contact with wild animals

How to improve your immunity
T h e N e w
C o r o n a v i r
u s

Properly exercise, choose the right exercise for you,

strengthen your physique, and cope with various disease

2 Develop good habits, avoid bad habits, eat more fresh fruits
and vegetables, etc.

3 Pay attention to the combination of work and rest, avoid

long-term fatigue and stay up late, pay attention to rest, and
ensure adequate sleep.
How to choose and wear a mask
T h e N e w
C o r o n a v i r
u s

For the purpose of self-protection and

reducing the risk of respiratory infections,

medical surgical masks and N95 masks can

be used.
Timely diagnosis and
Timely diagnosis and treatment
T h e N e w
C o r o n a v i r
u s

When you seek medical treatment, you should truthfully describe the illness and medical treatment process, especially
the doctor's recent Wuhan travel and residence history, contact history of pneumonia patients or suspected patients,
animal contact history, etc. Special attention should be paid to wearing surgical masks during the diagnosis and treatment
to protect themselves and others.
Timely diagnosis and treatment
T h e N e w
C o r o n a v i r
u s
When you seek medical treatment, you should
truthfully describe the illness and medical
treatment process, especially the doctor's
recent Wuhan travel and residence history,
contact history of pneumonia patients or
suspected patients, animal contact history, etc.
Special attention should be paid to wearing
surgical masks during the diagnosis and
treatment to protect themselves and others.
Timely diagnosis and treatment
T h e N e w
C o r o n a v i r
u s
Timely diagnosis and treatment
The disease is preventable and controllable.
Symptomatic treatment is the main clinical
practice and bed rest is required. If you have
the above symptoms, especially the
persistent fever, you should go to the medical
institution in time.
T h a n k Yo u

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