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The Museum, Modal verbs,

Would like,
1) How often do you go to museums?
I (usually/never/sometimes)…..

2) Do you like to take guided tours? Why?

Yes/No because …..

3) Do you usually buy products from a

gift shop?
Yes/No because …
1) What can/can’t you do in a
can + verb (base form) I can ____ I can’t ____.

2) What must/mustn’t you do in a

You must respect your parents.
must + verb (base form) I must ____ I mustn’t ____

3) What should/shouldn’t you do

to stay fit?
should + verb (base form)
I should ____ I shouldn’t ____
Complete the short conversation with your ideas.

I want to prevent Covid. I want to pass the English course.

A) Hey ____! I want to _____. What can I do?

B)Well, You (must/mustn’t/should/shouldn’t) ___, ___, ___.
A) Ok! Thank you!
A ticket agent
Do you want to buy a ticket?
Would you like to buy a ticket?

I want a ticket to Brazil.

I would like a ticket to Brazil.

bust station airport train station

Have a conversation about getting tickets for a trip

A) Hi, How can I help you?

B) Hi! I (want) a ticket to (Cuzco).
A) Of course! (Do you want) to make a reservation?
B) Yes, please! I would like a _______ ticket. A second-class
A) Ok, (do you want)a round-trip ticket or a one-way
B) I (want) a _______ please.
A) Alright! Here you go.
A first-class ticket

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