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Tongue twister

Let’s try these

 Many mini mice make nice Mary music

 Can you can a can as a canner can can a can?

 I scream You scream we all scream for Ice cream


 You know New york ,You need New york, You
Know You need Unique New York

 The fat cat sat on the man’s black hat

 How much wood would a wood chuck chuck ,if a

wood chuck could chuck wood? As a wood chuck
would if a wood chuck could chuck wood.
I know you can

 four furious friends fought for the phone

 A big black bug bit the big black bear but the big
black bear bit the big black bug back

 David does the dazzling in his daily day.

I know ur good

 A gentle judge judges Jeremy justly

 Lily tells Lola to let Lolita lead the world.

 The octopus and oliver went to the opera in October

 I saw Susie sitting in a shoe shine shop

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