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Traduis ces phrases avec les verbes CONNAÎTRE et SAVOIR.

1. I know my neighbour.
2. You know how to speak russian.
3. He knows this actor.
4. We know what time it is.
5. You guys know how to multiply.
6. They (male) know this village.
7. They (female) know how to drive.
8. I know how to draw.
9. You know me.
10. We know how to ski.
11. She knows how to dance.
12. The teacher knows his students.
13. She knows him well.
14. My neighbour knows my cat.
15. I know my limits.
_____________________________________________________________ BGK
Traduis ces phrases avec les verbes CONNAÎTRE et SAVOIR.

1. I know my neighbour. Je connais mon voisin (ma voisine).

2. You know how to speak russian. Tu sais comment parler russe.
3. He knows this actor. Il connait cet acteur.
4. We know what time it is. Nous savons quelle heure il est.
5. You guys know how to multiply. Vous savez comment multiplier.
6. They (male) know this village. Ils connaissent ce village.
7. They (female) know how to drive. Elles savent comment conduire.
8. I know how to draw. Je sais comment dessiner.
9. You know me. Tu me connais.
10. We know how to ski. Nous savons comment skier.
11. She knows how to dance. Elle sait comment danser.
12. The teacher knows his students. Le professeur connait ses élèves.
13. She knows him well. Elle le connait bien.
14. My neighbour knows my cat. Mon voisin connait mon chat.
15. I know my limits. Je connais mes limites / Je sais mes limites.


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