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In the name of God

)1 (
,I don’t regret the things I have done“
”.I regret the things I didn’t do when I had the chance

) 2(
”.Never regret anything you can’t change“
,_____ If only I'd had the courage to live a life true to‘
'.not the life others expected of me

’.___ I wish I hadn’t worked so‘

’.I wish that I had let myself be ____ and not always sad‘

’______If only I’d had the courage to express my‘

’_____I wish I'd stayed in touch with my‘

,If only I'd had the courage to live a life true to myself‘
'.not the life others expected of me

’.I wish I hadn’t worked so hard‘

’.I wish that I had let myself be happy and not always sad‘

’If only I’d had the courage to express my feelings‘

’I wish I'd stayed in touch with my friends‘

,If only I'd had the courage to live a life true to myself‘
'.not the life others expected of me

’.I wish I hadn’t worked so hard‘


+ SUB + HAD + P.P

’If only I’d had the courage to express my feelings‘

’I wish I'd stayed in touch with my friends‘

.I wish we ‘d bought / would have bought better tickets -1
.I can’t see very well from here

How would you have felt if someone had treated / would have treated -2
?like that

If I had known / known you were coming, I would have met you at the -3

!If only I wouldn’t have lost / had not lost my temper -4

.Now Henry wishes he went / had gone to university -5

.I wish we ‘d bought / would have bought better tickets -1
.I can’t see very well from here

How would you have felt if someone had treated / would have treated -2
?like that

If I had known / known you were coming, I would have met you at the -3

!If only I wouldn’t have lost / had not lost my temper -4

.Now Henry wishes he went / had gone to university -5


.I wish I _____( not do) it -1

.I wish I _____( but) it -2

.I wish I _____( never set) my eyes on him -3

.I wish I _____(never go) to that party -4

.If only I _____( try) harder-5

.I wish I hadn’t done it -1

.I wish I hadn’t done it -2

.I wish I had never set my eyes on him -3

.I wish I had never gone to that party -4

.If only I had tried harder-5

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