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How to transform normal

life into ecological life?

Giulia Caliri 2H
1. Don’t use car or motorcycles
Avoid means of transport that contribute to
You have to use less car and less plane. You
have to move more by bike, by train and by
bus, and metro. You can also take a walk that
is the best idea
2. Switch off electronic objects at night
For example turn off all computers or
mobile phones before you going to sleep
to avoid wasting electricity.
It is also advisable not to use washing
machines, dishwashers and other objects
3. Save water
Water is a natural resource to which we should
be more careful.  Do not leave the tap open
unnecessarily, for example when brushing your
teeth. If you have not done it yet, replace the
bathroom with the shower: you will consume
water and energy four times less.
4. Recycle waste
When you recycle you save money, raw
materials and energy. Recycles correctly and
deposits any waste in the right container.
Recycled materials such as glass, paper,
plastic and metal are reused consuming much
5. Use energy-saving lamps
This is the most effective way to save
money. Although at the beginning may seem
a little expensive, afterwards they will
save, especially those led. Take advantage
of the natural light and avoid leaving the
light on in a room where there is no one.

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