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Rules on Waivers and

What is a Quitclaim?

What is a Waiver?
What are the requisities of a valid quitclaim?
What are the standards for determining the validity of a Waiver and
What are the guidelines for a valid and enforceable quitclaim?
In what kinds of cases are quitclaim and/or waiver applicable and
Why are quitclaims often frowned upon as contrary to public policy?

What are examples of quitclaims that are against public policy?

Who has the burden of proof showing that a quitclaim was voluntarily
What are the grounds for annulling a quitclaim?

Is dire necessity one of these grounds?

In Labor cases, when is the proper time to execute a quitclaim?
Is the signing of quitclaim a bar to the pursuit of an illegal dismissal
If a quitclaim was signed but it was subsequently found out that there
was an illegal dismissal, will it make the said quitclaim invalid?
If the employees signed a quitclaim, does it necessarily result in the
waiver of their claims?
When an employee accepts benefits after signing a quitclaim, does it
amount to estoppel?
What are the grounds of annulling a quitclaim?

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