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Personality Traits

 Source Traits
 Popular characteristics include:  Reserved Outgoing
 Shy  less intelligent More intelligent
 Aggressive  Affected by feelings Emotionally
 Submissive stable
 Lazy  Submissive Dominant
 Ambitious
 Serious happy
 Timid venturesome
 Loyal  Tough – minded Sensitive
 Timid  Trusting Suspicious
 Major Personality attributes  Practical Imaginative
influencing OB  Self – assured Apprehensive
 Locus of Control :  Conservative Experimenting
 Some believe in fate (externals)  Group – Dependent Self – sufficient
 Some believe in themselves  Uncontrolled Controlled
(internals)  Relaxed Tense
Personality Types
 Each one of the six personality types has a matching occupational
• Realistic- involves aggressive behavior, physical activities requiring
skill, strength, and coordination

• Investigative – involves activities requiring thinking, organizing, and

understanding rather than feeling or emotion

• Social – involves interpersonal rather than intellectual or physical activities

• Conventional – involves rule – regulated activities and sublimation of

personal needs to an organization or person of power and status

• Enterprising - involves verbal activities to influence others, to attain power


• Artistic – involves self expression – artistic creation, or emotional activates

Person Perception :
 Attribution Theory : attribution theory becomes
extremely relevant when we consider how people judge
others. (because it is based on interpretations)

 Distinctiveness : individual displays different

behaviors in different situations

 Consensus : if everyone who is faced with a similar

situation responds in the same way, call it consensus

 Consistency : does the person respond same way

over time, it is consistency
Theories of learning
 How do we learn ; three theories have been offered these are :
Classical conditioning, Operant conditioning, social learning

 Classical conditioning grew out of experiments – dogs salivate in

response to the ringing bell looking at the meet piece
(learning conditioned response involves building up an association
between a conditioned stimulus and an unconditional stimulus)

 Operant conditioning : argues that behavior is a function of its

consequences. People learn to behave so they get something they
want or avoid something they don’t want. Skinner argues that by
creating pleasing consequences to follow specific forms of behavior,
the frequency of that behavior will increase- (instructor telling you to
give correct answers on the right side to get evaluated)

 Social learning : Individuals can also learn by observing what

happens to other people and just by being told about something, as
well as by direct experiences. So much of what we have learned
comes from watching models- patterns, peers. Etc.,

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